GPSG Newsflash 03/2018


25 March 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events, call for papers, and publications:


PSA Annual International Conference: The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to announce its participation in the PSA Annual International Conference in Cardiff on 26-28 March 2018. GPSG is the organiser of two panels titled ‘Migration and Identity in Southern Europe: Lived Experiences, Attitudes and Transformations’ and ‘Intergenerational Inequality and Crisis in Greece’. GPSG is also the co-organiser of three joint panels titled ‘Party Leaders in Europe: Discourse, Ideas and Interests, ‘New Parties, Party Systems and the Populist Moment (1), and ‘New Parties, Party Systems and the Populist Moment (2)’.

For more information please see attached PSA 2018 GPSG Panels Final.



  1. The University of Glasgow, in collaboration with the Greek NGO Solidarity Now, is organising a photo exhibition from 5 to 8 April at the Lighthouse in Glasgow. ‘The Journey: People on the Move – The Arrival: Young Syrian Refugees in Britain’ combines material from an exhibition originally held in 2016 at Benaki Museum in Athens, with original research findings and the most comprehensive analysis of the realities, opportunities, and challenges forcibly displaced people face as they attempt to rebuild their lives. The exhibition is part of the ‘Building Futures’ research project and is funded by the UK’s Global Challenges Research Fund (Award Reference: ES/P005189/1).For further details, please see
  2. The Network for Intergenerational Justice (3D Initiative – Greece) is organising a panel discussion titled ‘Greece (2008-2018): A Decade in Crisis and the Quest of a New Era’.The event will take place on 28 March 2018, 19:00-21:00, at Hult International Business School, Hult House East, 35 Commercial Road, London E1 1LD, Room 1.A.For more information about the speakers please see attached 3D UK Panel Discussion 28MAR2018.



    Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania) is organising an International Conference on Governance, Intelligence and Security, 7-9 June 2018. The title of the Conference is “Contemporary Challenges and New Developments”.

    Participants are invited to fill in an application form and submit a paper abstract by 1 April 2018.

    For more information about the conference please click here.



    A new book titled ‘Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery: The Political Economies of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal’, edited by Owen Parker and Dimitirs Tsarouhas has been recently published by Palgrave Macmillan. The book investigates the causes and consequences of crisis in the four countries of the Eurozone periphery considering the implications of continued fragilities in the Eurozone both for these countries and for European integration more generally.

    For more information about the book and the list of contributors please click here.


    If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dr. Dimitris Skleparis.

    Kind Regards,

    Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.