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We welcome comments and suggestions on all aspects of the GPSG’s agenda and activities. Your input and contributions are particularly welcome. If you are interested in submitting an article, working paper or bibliography for our website, please make sure you have consulted the Editorial Guidelines before sending us your work.

You can contact us using the form below. You can also contact individual members of the GPSG team through our Key People page.

Media Enquiries

The GPSG provides access to a unique, international network of experts and researchers.
Our experts can provide you with quotes and comment on all aspects of Greek politics, including public administration and governance, elections and political parties, security and intelligence, foreign policy and European affairs.
To contact our experts for media commentary please email us at [email protected]

    24-hour answerphone :

    If you wish you can also contact us by post at the following address:

    Dr Georgios Karyotis
    Greek Politics Specialist Group
    Room 1306, Adam Smith Building
    Glasgow University
    Bute Gardens
    Glasgow G12 8RT