In addition to convening panels at the annual conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), the GPSG has been working actively in order to promote the study of Greek politics in a variety of international events and forums, both independently and in collaboration with other Specialist Groups and organisations.
In 2009 we launched Greece Beyond the Crisis – a series of activities, such as research fieldwork competitions, sponsored roundtables and publications, aiming to explore the root causes, as well as the possible ways out, of the current political, economic and social crisis facing Greece.
During the last few years we have also launched a GPSG Podcast Series, a GPSG Working Paper Series and GPSG Pamphlets after parliamentary elections in Greece.Two GPSG GPSG Books were recently published: The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis (Palgrave Macmillan) and Images of Nations: Strategic Communication, Soft Power and the Media (Kastaniotis Publications in Greek).