Britain and Europe: A live virtual roundtable


2015 – Britain and Europe: A live virtual roundtable

Wednesday, 15 April, 2pm

On 15 April 2015, the Greek Politics Specialist Group organised a virtual roundtable in collaboration with other Specialist Groups of the Political Studies Association. This was thesecond in a series of three Google Hangouts set up by the PSA on the UK election. It evaluated Britain’s position within the EU and the wider effects that the General Election may have on Europe. The virtual roundtable was chaired by Professor Charles Lees (University of Bath).

Some of the key questions discussed during the roundtable were: What might the different election outcomes mean for the EU or other Eurozone countries? Will the trend of the rise of smaller radical parties in Europe may repeat itself in the UK? How much of an issue is the EU and the Eurozone for parties?

Google Hangouts is a public, free-to-access conference call which brings together people from around the world. This virtual roundtable was hosted by Google on the Hangouts web page and broadcast live on YouTube.