Research Fieldwork Competition: “Greece Beyond the Crisis”


2010 – Research Fieldwork Competition: “Greece Beyond the Crisis” (£400 prize)

December 2010

GPSG Fieldwork Competition Prize 2010

As part of its Greece Beyond the crisis series, the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) recently launched its first research fieldwork competition. Applications were sought for any type of fieldwork on any aspect of the complex economic and social crisis facing Greece.

Following a highly competitive field of applications and a rigorous selection process, the Executive Committee of the GPSG is delighted to announce that the winner of the £400 prize is

Ms Eleni Christodoulou

ESRC Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham.

Project title:

Greek Politics and Passion(s):

Reconstituting National Identity in the Midst of Financial Crisis

The panel commended Ms Christodoulou on a very strong and topical bid with a transparent and robust framework, a feasible research timeframe and a clear link between the funding and the primary research. A report on the findings of this research project will be published under the GPSG’s Working Paper series in the summer of 2011.
