GPSG Newsflash 04/20


GPSG Newsflash 04/20
Events and Notices

19 October 2020
Dear Colleagues,

We hope that this email finds all of you and your loved ones in good health. The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for papers, research opportunities, and competitions:


1. Winner of the 2020 GPSG Call for Papers Competition 
GPSG is pleased to announce that the paper titled “Covering the Covid-19 crisis in Greece: Extreme-Right Blogs and Conspiracy Theories” by George Kordas (PhD cand.), Panteion University, has won the £150 prize under the GPSG Call for Papers Competition “Greece Through a Pandemic Crisis: Policy Responses, Challenges and Impact”.

The paper has just been published in GPSG Working Papers series and can be found here.

2. BSA and GPSG Research Webinar Series 
The second event of the Research Webinar Series on Modern Greek Studies is titled ‘Who’s sorry now? Explaining (Non) Apologies in Post-Crisis Europe’, and will take place via Zoom on Monday, 14 December 202017:00-18:00 (UK time).

Further access details will be announced closer to the date.

For the full list of events, please click here.


1. The Hellenic Bank Association Postdoctoral Fellowship in Contemporary Greek and Cypriot StudiesThis post is a full-time, fixed-term post for twelve months and has been made possible by the generosity of the Hellenic Bank Association of Greece. The Researcher will be based in the Hellenic Observatory, which is part of the European Institute, and will be responsible to the Director of the Hellenic Observatory.

The fellowship will develop expertise on Greece and/or Cyprus, in particular in the area of political economy. Preference may be given to those focussing on the Greek and/or Cypriot banking sectors. The research will be undertaken under the supervision of the Observatory’s staff and should demonstrate the ability to frame and research complex ideas, concepts or theories and to apply appropriate methodologies to your empirical analysis.

Application Deadline: 15/11/2020 (23.59 UK time)

For more information about the role and application process, please click here.



1. The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece: Journalism and Political Communication in Times of Crisis
This newly published Emerald Handbook edited by Anastasia Veneti (Bournemouth University, UK) and Athina Karatzogianni (University of Leicester, UK) addresses the impact of new technologies and the socio-economic crisis on journalism and presents the empirical applications of digital media in political communication and in a number of social settings including the environment, homelessness, migration and social movements.

For more information about this volume and its contents, please click here.

 2. The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics

The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics, edited by Kevin Featherstone and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, is a major new contribution to the study of contemporary European and Greek politics. This edited volume contains 43 chapters written by Greek and foreign academics foremost in their field. Drawing on data and analysis previously available only in national sources (Greek books, articles, and other primary and secondary sources), in combination with international data, it allows international scholars of politics, international relations, society, and economy to integrate the case of Greece in their own projects; and facilitates the search of any informed reader who seeks a reliable, updated source on Modern Greece.

For more information about this volume and its contents, please click here.

If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.