Belfast, 2012


62nd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference
“In Defence of Politics”
3-5 April 2012
University of Ulster, Belfast

GPSG Panel 1: A Nation in Crisis: National Identity, Radical Right and Immigration in Greece

This panel focused on the challenges that Greece is facing due to the ongoing crisis. It examined the effect the crisis is having on the construction of national identity, the reason radical right political parties have strengthened and its impact on immigration and asylum policy.


GPSG Panel 2: A Nation in Crisis: Populist responses, social mobilization and protest in Greece

This panel considered the way Greek society responds to the financial crisis. The populist frames and blame-shifting strategies, the role of online social networks in mobilizing citizens and the cultures of rioting, were used to highlight the various reactions of Greek society.

  • Sofia Vasilopoulou (York), Theofanis Exadaktylos (Surrey), Daphne Halikiopoulou (LSE), “Greece in Crisis: the populist response to Europe at times of austerity”