2015 - GPSG Competition: "Innovative Approaches to the Study of Greek Society and Politics In June 2015, the Greek Politics Specialist Group launched its biennial competition inviting submissions on any aspect of Greek society, government, policies or politics. This year...
In December 2017, GPSG was awarded a grant by DiaNeosis to conduct a “Comparative Analysis of the Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Greece: Personal Experiences, Best Practices and Policy Proposals”.  The results of the study are expected in September of 2018. ...
2014 - GPSG Launches Guide Series In September 2014, the Greek Politics Specialist Group launched a new series – GPSG Guides – starting with two brief handbooks providing guidance and advice for researchers, especially younger colleagues, on how to prepare...
ECPR Section ID: 58 ECPR Section Title: Crisis Zone? State Quality and Democratic Quality in Southern Europe This session was organised by the ECPR Standing Group in Southern European Politics. Background: The recent economic crisis has exposed the high degree of vulnerability...
2014 - Joint Reception, ECPR General Conference ECPR 8th General Conference Glasgow, 3-6 September 2014 Greek Politics Specialist Group, ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics, European Research Network (ERN)  
Dear Colleagues,The Greek Politics Specialist Group is delighted to host our eighth collection of short commentaries on the June 2023 election, entitled "First Thoughts on the 25th June 2023 Election in Greece". We want to thank all the contributors for their thoughts and input!  You...
2012 - Joint Conference on Immigration in Europe ‘Immigrants in Europe: between the Eurozone Crisis and the Arab Spring’ London, 9 November 2012 A Joint Conference of the German Politics Specialist Group; the Comparative European Politics Specialist Group; the Greek Politics Specialist...
After 8 years of austerity, Greece is finally done with programmes of economic adjustments. The Greece experience has shown that since the eruption of the Eurozone crisis in 2009, the relationship between policy advice and reform processes in Europe...
  Workshop on small states and EU policymaking in the era of polycrisis The Greek Politics Specialist Group, with the generous support of PSA’s Research and Innovation Fund and in association with the Centre for European Research at Queen Mary University...
Panel title: Varieties of Political Trust and Distrust in the Age of Multiple Crises Session: RC17 Comparative Public Opinion   Paper Proposal Deadline: 18 January 2023   Chair: Emmanouil Tsatsanis, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Co-chair: Anastasia Kafe, Panteion University of Athens   Discussants:  Vasiliki Georgiadou, Panteion University of Athens Christian Lahusen,...

