Theofanis Exadaktylos, “Alexis Tsipras, un leader tra speranza e paura” – Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (Italy)
Roman Gerodimos, “Que Tsipras Haya Formado Gobierno con la Derecha Quiere Decir que Mantendrá su Línea Dura” – Estrategia (Chile)
Roman Gerodimos, “The Great Unravelling : Brexit and the threat to the post-war framework of liberal democracy”, Medium
Roman Gerodimos: “The moment of truth for Greece, and for the Eurozone” – PSA Blog
Dimitris Tsarouhas, “Sarkozy, Berlusconi… How voters react on criminal cases of high-profile politicians” – Pravda (Slovakia)
Lamprini Rori analyses political affairs related to Brexit in Andritsopoulos Pericles, “Elections ahead. The British PM Tereza May seems to count down weeks in Downing Street”. Ta Nea, 30-31.03.2019. 
Roman Gerodimos, “If Greece collapses generations will suffer, warns BU lecturer” – Daily Echo
Zoe Lefkofridi answering readers’ questions in online chat – Der Standard (Austria)
Roman Gerodimos: “Grecia Debería Concentrarse Más en Crecimiento que en Pedir Dinero Prestado” – Estrategia (Chile)
Stella Ladi, “Grécko si za proeurópsku vládu kupuje čas” – Pravda (Slovakia)

