Photo Gallery
GPSG International Workshop on Political Violence, Terrorism and Extremism in Europe and Greece
Canada Water Library, London, 20 June 2014 | GPSG Workshop – Online Resources
GPSG Publications Officer Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos presenting his paper on "stereotypes, prejudices and emotions on media representation of the EU financial crisis"
GPSG Panel Convenor Dr Dimitris Tsarouhas presenting his paper on "Political Diffusion at Critical Junctures: Comparing Political Economy Trajectories in Greece and Turkey"
Dr Aris Trantidis (King's College, London) presenting his paper on "Mitsotakis' reform agenda and the ascendancy of informal veto-players"
‘Immigrants in Europe: between the Eurozone Crisis and the Arab Spring’: Joing Conference of the German Politics, the Comparative European Politics, the Italian Politics and the Greek Politics Specialist Group
London, 9 November 2012 | Supported by the Political Studies Association’s Specialist Activities Fund
Conference Organiser Katja Sarmiento-Mirwaldt (Brunel University) and GSPG participant Alexandra Bousiou (University of Athens)
GPSG Panels at the 62nd Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association
Belfast, 3-5 April 2012
(L-R) Dr Takis Pappas, Eleni Christodoulou, Dr Lena Karamanidou, Dr Andrew Liaropoulos, Anastasia Kafe, Dr Vassiliki Georgiadou
(L-R) Dr Lena Karamanidou, Katia Andronikidou, Dr John Karamichas, Dr Sofia Vasilopoulou, Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos, Dr Andrew Liaropoulos
Panel 1 - Anastasia Kafe (Panteion) presents a paper on “The radical right parties under the economic crisis: The Greek case”
Panel 1 - (L-R) Eleni Christodoulou (Birmingham), Dr Lena Karamanidou (City), Dr Andrew Liaropoulos (Chair - Piraeus)
GPSG International Conference: ‘The Politics of Extreme Austerity’: Greece Beyond the Crisis
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 8-9 December 2011
Prof. Tony McGrew, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Strathclyde, introduces Prof. Richard Rose who delivered the keynote speech of the GPSG conference
Prof. Richard Rose, Director of the Centre for the Study of Public Policy, delivers the Keynote Speech of the GPSG conference
Panel 2 of the GPSG conference – “The System under Pressure: Party Politics and Populism” (left-to-right: Dr. Georgios Karyotis, Dr. Wolfgang Rudig, Dr. Theofanis Exadaktylos)
Panel 2 – “The System under Pressure: Party Politics and Populism” (left-to-right: Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas, Dr. Roman Gerodimos, Katerina Labrinou and Yannis Balampanidis)
Day 1 of the GPSG international conference at the Collins Building, University of Strathclyde. The conference went ahead despite the unprecedented weather conditions which shut parts of Scotland, including most of Glasgow’s public buildings.
Dr. Stella Ladi (Panteion University) presents her paper during Panel 5 – “Public Policy and Public Administration Reforms”
The Keynote Roundtable “Question Time” brought together leading scholars and policy practitioners to discuss the latest developments both in Greece and in Europe
Keynote Roundtable moderator and GPSG founder, Dr. Roman Gerodimos; Prof. Antigone Lyberaki, Panteion University of Athens; Dr. Andrew Watt, European Trade Union Institute
Neil Mitchison (Head of the European Commission’s Office in Scotland) and Dr. Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester) take part in the Keynote Roundtable of the conference
GPSG Panels at the 61st Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association
London, 19-21 April 2011
Prof. Nicolas Demertzis presenting his paper at the panel on “Politics, Emotions and the Crisis (1)”
(left to right) Prof. Nicolas Demertzis, Eleni Christodoulou, Paschalis Aganidis, Dr Roman Gerodimos
Dr Dimitris Tsarouhas chairing and Dr Sappho Xenakis presenting at the panel on “Politics, Emotions and the Crisis 2”
Dr Chrisanthos Tassis presenting his paper at the panel on “The Transformation of Greek Political Parties”
International Conference: “Images of Nations: Strategic Communication, Soft Power and the Media”
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens, Greece, 4-5 February 2009
The Organising Committee and the Keynote Speakers (left to right: Roman Gerodimos, Achilleas Ioakimides, Dr Andrew Liaropoulos, Dr Athanassios Samaras, Prof Keith Dinnie, Prof Philip Taylor)
Greek Foreign Minister Mrs. Dora Bakoyiannis, with GPSG Convenor Roman Gerodimos and Prof. Philip Taylor
The GPSG conference brought together international academics, government officials, communication practitioners, journalists and students.
The GPSG conference brought together leading academics, government officials, communication practitioners, journalists and researchers
Panel 4 examined strategic communication approaches ranging from public diplomacy to nation branding
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mr. George Koumoutsakos and Counsellor for Public Affairs at the US Embassy in Athens Mr. Thomas Miller