GPSG Announces Prize Winners 2009


October 2009: GPSG Announces Prize Winners

As part of its core mission of promoting systematic research, supporting young scholars and strengthening the ties between the UK and Greek academic communities, the Greek Politics Specialist Group has awarded two £200 prizes to young researchers who presented their work at the 4th Hellenic Observatory PhD Symposium at the London School of Economics.

Following June’s Call for Applications, we received a large number of applications, which were carefully reviewed by the GPSG panel. The standard was quite high and reaching a decision was not easy.

We are delighted to announce that the two winning papers are:

Manto Lampropoulou (School of Law, Economics & Political Sciences, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, University of Athens), “Public utilities reform in Greece: Privatization, market liberalization and implications for citizens as consumers”.

The panel was very impressed by the outstanding quality of Ms Lampropoulou’s work. The paper is well-researched and well-written and it puts forward a strong, persuasive and ultimately important argument.

Eleni Ganiti (School of History & Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), “The military dictatorship of April 1967 in Greece and its repercussion on the Greek visual arts scene”.

The panel particularly commended Ms Ganiti’s work for its originality and thorough documentation. Her paper constitutes a refreshing and informative perspective on an under-researched area and puts forward a clear and interesting argument.

The winning papers will be published on the Working Papers section of the GPSG website. The GPSG wishes to warmly congratulate both winners on their success.

Abstracts of winning papers


Public utilities reform in Greece: Privatization, market liberalization and implications for citizens as consumers

Privatization and liberalization are the two complementary aspects of several reform projects in the field of public utilities. In Greece, since the mid-90’s, the telecommunications sector has undergone radical changes, responding to the new requirements of a market-oriented model, gradually introducing the privatization of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (OTE) and the opening of the state monopoly. An often neglected aspect of the reform is the implications for citizens as consumers. More “choice”, better quality and lower prices have been usually invoked as illustrations of the beneficial effects, under the general hypothesis of better performance. However, the “shift” is more intricate than the assumptions that a micro-economic perspective suggests.

This paper argues that the “citizen/consumer empowerment” is not a self-evident proposition of privatization or liberalization policies. It also proposes that the concept of citizens as consumers implies a selective –thus restricted- approach of the eventual benefit. The aim of the paper is to highlight the constraints and the pre-conditions of the “empowerment” argument, as well as to reveal potential asymmetries in terms of cost/benefit allocation of the reform outcomes.


The military dictatorship of April 1967 in Greece and its repercussion on the Greek visual arts scene

The 21st of April, 1967 has been a portentous date in the history of modern Greece, as a group of right–wing army officers seized power, imposing a regime of military dictatorship, also known as the Regime of the Colonels or the Junta. The dictatorship came after a period of political instability in the country, intercepting the normal course of things at the political, social and economical sector. This kind of disorder could not leave the cultural life of the country unaffected. The imposing of the dictatorship had a strong impact on the evolution of the visual arts in Greece, mainly because it came at a time when Greek art, for the first time in the modern years, was finding its pace. The desire for synchronization with the international art was being finally fulfilled and for the first time Greek artists were part of the international avant guard. The visual arts scene was flourishing, the audience’s interest was growing and the future seemed promising and optimistic. Then the Junta came to interrupt this upswing. This paper explores:

  1. i) the effects of the dictatorship on the Greek visual arts scene and the artistic production of the period
  2. ii) the reaction of the art world through exhibitions and works of Greek artists that were created and exhibited in the country during the seven years of the Military Regime.