GPSG Newsflash 03/20


GPSG Newsflash 03/20
Events and Notices

8 September 2020
Dear Colleagues,

We hope that this email finds all of you and your loved ones in good health. The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for papers, research opportunities, and competitions:


1. PSA 2021 Annual Conference – Call for Papers
GPSG cordially invites scholars to submit paper and panel proposals on all aspects of Greek society and politics. We wish to particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative proposals, as well as papers featuring original theoretical ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.
The 2021 Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference will take place at Belfast and its theme is ‘Resilience, Expertise, Hope’. For full details regarding all aspects of the Conference, please visit the PSA’s website.
Please send your proposals for papers (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) or panels (with full details of the papers and authors) to our Panel Convenors Stella Ladi and Athanassios Gouglas, who will be happy to respond to any enquires about this call or the conference.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 2nd October 2020. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the GPSG’s panels ahead of the final PSA deadline (before 12 October).
For more information about the call, please click here.

2. PSA 2021 Annual Conference – Joint Call for Papers
The German Politics, Greek Politics, French Politics, Italian Politics, Nordic Politics and Turkish Politics Specialist Groups of the PSA invite paper proposals for joint panels which seek to explore the first reactions to the economic and political challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic by governments across Europe.  Papers discussing the EU response and implications for EU member states are also of interest to this call. For full details regarding all aspects of the Conference, please visit the PSA’s website.
We welcome single case studies, comparative papers, and theoretical explorations on the broad theme of ‘The Covid-19 pandemic across Europe: responses, challenges and lessons (learned)’. The joint panels have the objective of bringing together different perspectives and to create a dialogue between the involved Specialist Groups.
Please address all enquiries and e-mail your paper proposal (paper title, 200-word max abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) to our Panel Convenors Stella Ladi and Athanassios Gouglas. We specifically encourage doctoral students and early career researchers to contribute to the joint panel. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the joint panel proposals ahead of the final PSA deadline.
The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 2nd October 2020.
For more information about the call, please click here.

3. BSA and GPSG Research Webinar Series 

GPSG and the British School at Athens (BSA) are delighted to announce a Research Webinar Series on Modern Greek Studies. The online events are convened by Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield) and Lamprini Rori (University of Exeter), and hosted by John Bennet (Director of the British School at Athens).
The first event of the series is titled ‘Populism, party politics, and the economic crisis: contrasting the case of Greece with the case of Portugal’, and will take place via Zoom on Monday, 5 October 2020, 17:00-18:00 (UK time).
Further access details will be announced closer to the dates.
For the full list of events, please click here.

1. A.G. Leventis Research Innovation Programme on Cyprus
For the second year, the LSE’s Hellenic Observatory invites applications from researchers to conduct high-quality and policy relevant research on contemporary Cyprus. Unless otherwise indicated, projects are eligible for consideration from across the social sciences; have either a domestic or external focus; and/or place Cyprus in comparative perspective. Projects should normally have a clear relevance to public policy in Cyprus.
Applications are to be submitted electronically by 30 September 2020 (23.59 GMT) in Word format to [email protected] and the subject line of the email should read “HO Cyprus Call 2020”.
For further information and details on Eligibility and Application Procedure please click here.
For more details on the Research Programme please click here.
Should you have any queries, please email [email protected]

2. Βραβεία για διακεκριμένους νέους Έλληνες επιστήμονες
Το Ίδρυμα Μποδοσάκη προκηρύσσει Βραβεία για διακεκριμένους νέους Έλληνες επιστήμονες για το έτος 2021. Με τα Βραβεία αυτά το Ίδρυμα επιδιώκει να ενισχύσει το δημιουργικό έργο των νέων Ελλήνων επιστημόνων, να ανταμείψει τη συνεπή και συνεχή προσπάθειά τους για την προαγωγή της επιστήμης, να τιμήσει το ηθικό τους ανάστημα και να συμβάλει στη δημιουργία σωστών προτύπων στην ελληνική κοινωνία.
Το Ίδρυμα θα χορηγήσει τέσσερα (4) Βραβεία, έκαστο ύψους είκοσι χιλιάδων (20.000) ευρώ, και συγκεκριμένα ένα (1) βραβείο ανά επιστημονικό τομέα.
Ημερομηνία λήξης υποβολής υποψηφιοτήτων ορίζεται η 30η Σεπτεμβρίου 2020.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την προκήρυξη, παρακαλώ πατήστε εδώ.

If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.