GPSG Newsflash 03/2014 (1)


03 March 2014

Dear Colleagues,
Three items for this week’s Newsflash:

– we are delighted to launch our Workshop on Political Violence, Terrorism & Extremism that will take place in central London on Friday, June 20th. The event is made possible with the generous support of the Politics & Media Research Group at Bournemouth University. A flyer and the registration form are attached. Please note that the event is free but limited to 30 places – prior registration is essential and priority will be given to Full Members of the Group (you can join us / renew your membership).

– we also attach formal notice of the GPSG’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will take place on Tuesday, April 15th, during the 64th annual conference of the PSA in Manchester. The AGM is open to everyone but only Full Members who have renewed their membership have the right to propose motions (deadline: Tuesday, April 8th) and vote during the meeting. Members can also participate/vote through a nominated proxy.

– finally, please also find attached a Call for Papers for a one-day event on Migration and Welfare organised by our colleagues at City University on June 18th. For expressions of interest please contact the event’s convenor Dr Lena Karamanidou directly.

Best wishes,
–on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee

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