GPSG Newsflash 05/2014 (2)


25 May 2014

Dear Colleagues,

A quick reminder of our urgent call for short commentary pieces on the local and European Parliament elections in Greece. The pieces should be between 200-500 words, in English and sent to me by midnight on Wednesday in order to be included in our forthcoming “first thoughts” Pamphlet. For more details please see the attached pdf or visit our website.

I am also delighted to confirm that Prof. Ben Gidley (University of Oxford), Louis Reynolds (Demos) and Marley Morris (Counterpoint) will give three of the keynote presentations at our forthcoming workshop on extremism in Europe (June 20th, central London). A provisional line-up of participants has been released on our website. There are a few places still available so if you wish to attend or participate, please let me know as soon as possible.

Finally, we are pleased to circulate two other calls for papers from affiliate organisations:
– for the European Sociological Association’s mid-term conference on Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism (Vienna, 4-5 September 2014) – the deadline has been extended to 31 May 
– for the Special issue of the Greek Review of Social Research (GRSR) on “Politics, Democracy & Digital Cultures” (deadline for full manuscripts: 30 June). Further details attached.

Best wishes
–on behalf of the Executive Committee