GPSG Newsflash 05/2014 (1)


13 May 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Following the success of our first two election commentary pamphlets two years ago, the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) will be publishing another collection of short comment pieces immediately after this and next week’s local (municipal and regional) and European Parliament elections in Greece. The aim of this is to offer an initial rapid response from political and social scientists interpreting and explaining the results of the Greek elections to a global audience. We invite short opinion/analysis articles (200-500 words, in English) analysing, interpreting or reflecting on the outcome, likely impact or any other aspect of both the local and the European elections. Contributions from all our members, affiliates and colleagues are welcome. The GPSG reserves the right to shorten or edit pieces, including the title, before publication.

The document will be published on our website one week after the election. It will also be circulated to thousands of Political Studies Association members, senior and junior academics, researchers, practitioners, as well as to our international media contacts, so please note that quotes from your piece may be used or reproduced by journalists.
Please email your piece to me between Sunday, 25 May and midnight on Wednesday, 28 May, along with your full title and institutional affiliation.

Also, please feel free to circulate this call to your contacts and colleagues.

Best wishes,