GPSG Newsflash 06/2019


GPSG Newsflash 06/19
Events and Notices

06 September 2019

Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for papers, research opportunities, and recent publications:


  1. New Executive Committee: GPSG is pleased to announce the composition of its new executive committee. The group is delighted to welcome Vasiliki Tsagkroni as co-convenor of GPSG (jointly with Stella Ladi), and two new members in its executive committee: Eirini Karamouzi as Membership and Impact Officer, and Thanasis Gouglas as Secretary. We would like to thank Georgios Karyotis for his services as the group’s co-convenor in the past two years, and wish him all the best in his new Treasurer and Impact Officer role. GPSG would also like to thank Dimitris Tsarouhas and Vasilis Leontitsis for their valuable contribution to the group as members of the executive committee, and wish them every success in their new role as members of the group’s Advisory Committee.

For more information about the members of GPSG’s Executive and Advisory Committees, please click here.


  1. PSA 2020 Annual Conference – General Call for Papers on Greek Politics: One of the core aims of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA) is to organise focused, scholarly panels at the annual conference of the PSA, featuring senior and junior academics and researchers working on the field of Greek politics. From Leeds in 2005 to Nottingham in 2019, the GPSG has consistently had a very strong presence at PSA annual conferences, while also promoting cross-fertilisation with other Specialist Groups and international networks.

The 2020 Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference will take place at Edinburgh and its theme is PSA at ’70s: Re-imagining politics. For full details regarding all aspects of the Conference, please visit the PSA’s website.

The GPSG cordially invites scholars to submit paper and panel proposals on all aspects of Greek society and politics. We wish to particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative proposals, as well as papers featuring original theoretical ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.

Please send your proposals for papers (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) or panels (with full details of the papers and authors) to our Panel Convenors Stella Ladi and Lamprini Rori, who will be happy to respond to any enquires about this call or the conference.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 11th October 2019. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the GPSG’s panels ahead of the final PSA deadline (Monday 21 October).

We look forward to seeing many of you in Edinburgh!


  1. PSA 2020 Annual Conference – Joint Call for Papers: The Greek Politics, Italian Politics, French Politics, German Politics, and Turkish Politics Specialist Groups of the PSA invite paper proposals for joint panels which seek to explore past and current crises and what they could – or should – mean for the next decade of politics in Europe. We welcome single case studies, comparative papers, and theoretical explorations on the broad theme of ‘Ten years after the crisis – ten years of crisis: a different Europe’. The joint panels have the objective of bringing together different perspectives speaking to the panel title and to create a dialogue between the involved Specialist Groups.

While starting points of crises are not easy to pinpoint, the year 2020 could be considered to see the tenth anniversary of the European sovereign debt crisis. Plunging large parts of Europe into austerity and into social and economic crises, it created a derogative discourse on bailed-out countries and led to serious rifts between European leaders and fundamental doubts about the notion of European solidarity and the ‘European idea’ itself. The ‘refugee crisis’, commencing in 2015, further complicated European politics and has shown the European Union to be an internally divided and impotent – if not incompetent – foreign policy actor. The British decision to leave the EU added another facet to a decade of crisis, as did the election of a US President who, it seems, has come to see the EU as an economic competitor more than as a political ally. All of this has been accompanied by a crisis of liberal democracy in many EU member states and candidate countries, further eroding the foundations of the EU while EU institutions themselves have come under strain.

Please address all enquiries and e-mail your paper proposal (paper title, 200-word max abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) to our Panel Convenors Stella Ladi and Lamprini Rori, We specifically encourage doctoral students and early career researchers to contribute to the joint panel. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the joint panel proposals ahead of the final PSA deadline. For full details of the Conference please visit the conference website.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Tuesday 8th of October 2019.


  1. PSA 2020 Annual Conference – Thematic Call for Papers on Greek Politics: Panel on political violence: Since the Athens riots of 2008, Greece has experienced serious episodes of violence with clear political connotations. Framed as a fight against austerity, an expression of anti-immigrant stances or an anti-establishment struggle, political violence has reached unprecedented levels.

We invite scholars conducting research on political violence, violent extremism and radicalism to submit their papers for a panel which seeks to understand the above-mentioned phenomena in Greece and in a comparative perspective. The panel will address current debates and newly emerging topics in political violence, including the strategic use of violence, its causes and consequences, spatial and temporal dynamics of violence, continuities and discontinuities of political violence, the connections between non-violent action and political violence as well as between different types of violence. It focuses on both right-wing and left-wing extremism in order to understand their evolution in the post-1974 era, their similarities, differences and interactions. We aspire to shed light on the relationship between militant groups, violent forms of action and broader movements.

Please send your proposals for papers (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) to the panel convenors  Vasiliki Georgiadou and Lamprini Rori.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 11th October 2019.



  1. Call for the A.G. Leventis Research Innovation Programme on Cyprus 2019: The LSE’s Hellenic Observatory invites applications from researchers to conduct high-quality and policy relevant research on contemporary Cyprus. Unless otherwise indicated, projects are eligible for consideration from across the social sciences; have either a domestic or external focus; and/or place Cyprus in comparative perspective. Projects should normally have a clear relevance to public policy in Cyprus.

Proposals are invited for projects which would commence in 2020. Please submit proposals of no more than 2,500 words (Calibri font, size 11, justified alignment, 2cm margins, single-spaced).

Proposals should be submitted electronically in Word format to [email protected] by 8 September 2019 (23.59 GMT) and the subject line of the email should read “HO Cyprus Call 2019”.

For further information about the post and application procedure, please click here.


  1. Hellenic Observatory (European Institute) Research Officer: The Hellenic Observatory seeks to appoint a Research Officer who will engage in the management of external research projects; help develop a programme of research, seeking external funding, in conjunction with Hellenic Observatory academic staff; and, will pursue his/her own high quality research related to Greece and/or Cyprus.

You will have a completed PhD in one of the following areas: public policy; political science; economics; international relations. Preference may be given to candidates with skills in quantitative analysis. You will have a comprehensive and substantial knowledge of contemporary Greece, together with evidence of publication and/or project delivery through independent original research.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 13 October 2019 (23.59 UK time).

For further information about the post, please see the how to apply document, job description and the person specification.



A new book titled ‘Visual Political Communication’, edited by Anastasia Veneti, Daniel Jackson, and Darren G. Lilleker, has been recently published. The edited volume offers a theoretically driven, empirically grounded survey of the role visual communication plays in political culture, enabling a better understanding of the significance and impact visuals can have as tools of political communication. The book is intended as a specialist reading and teaching resource for courses on media, politics, citizenship, activism, social movements, public policy, and communication. 

For more information about the book, please click here.


If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.

Further Information

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