GPSG Newsflash 07/19


GPSG Newsflash 07/19
Events and Notices

01 November 2019


Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for applications and papers/panels submissions, research opportunities, and events:


1. Research Methods Seminar – Call for ApplicationsGPSG and the Centre for Political Research, Panteion University are co-organising a three-day intensive seminar from the 8th until the 10th of January on research methods. The course is designed to help doctoral and advanced postgraduate students to develop their research skills in research methods and more specifically on analysing text and discourse. More specifically methods that will be explored are content and discourse analysis. Because much is learned by doing, this course has a significant ‘hands-on’ component. The seminar will take place at the venue of the Centre for Political Research at Panteion University. The working language will be Greek and English. Participants are required to bring their own laptop. The seminar will accommodate about 15 participants. The full seminar programme will be made available shortly.
Applicants should email a short Curriculum Vitae (max two pages) and a short cover letter (max one page) in which applicants explain how their participation in the seminar benefits their research to Vassiliki Georgiadou and Stella Ladi no later than 29/11/2019.

Successful applicants will be notified by email only by 13/12/19. Selected applicants must be able to confirm their participation within a week of acceptance.

For more information about the seminar, please click here.

2. Call for PSA Chair/ Vice Chair: The Political Studies Association (PSA) is seeking applications from senior colleagues to lead the PSA forward as Chair or Vice-Chair starting in 2020. For the role specification, person specification and details of how to apply for the Chair position please see here. For the role specification, person specification and details of how to apply for the Vice-Chair position please see here.

Applications should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee, Honorary Membership Secretary Professor Fiona Mackay by November 2019. Interviews will be held on 24 January 2020. 

For more information about the application process, please click here.



1. ECPR Standing Group on the European Union: The “Politics of Austerity, Redistribution and the Future of European Welfare States” section of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union invites Panels and Papers that address questions on austerity, redistribution, structural reforms and the future of European Welfare States from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. Comparative Panels and Papers are particularly encouraged.

The 10th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union will be hosted by Luiss Università Guido Carli in Rome, at its Viale Romania Campus near Villa Borghese. on 3–6 June 2020.

The deadline for submitting panels and papers is 16 December 2019.



1. Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program: Applications are now being accepted for Cycle 4 of the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (GDFP) to support collaborative academic projects between Greek higher education institutions and Greek scholars in the diaspora. The GDFP has a two-sided application process: Greek universities submit a project request online to host a scholar, while the scholars submit applications to join a roster of available candidates. Greek host institutions can request that the scholar participate in projects in curriculum co-development, collaborative research and/or graduate or undergraduate student research mentoring and teaching. Any degree-conferring higher education institution in Greece can serve as a host and submit a project request.

The deadline for Cycle 4 project requests is January 15, 2020 11:59 PM Eastern US time (January 16, 6:59 AM Greece time).  Selection decisions for Cycle 4 will be made in April 2020; project visits can begin in June 2020.

For more information on the fellowship program and application process, as well as the projects of current fellows, please click here.



1. Research Seminar at Queen Mary University of LondonPanagiota Manoli, Assistant Professor of International Political Economy, University of the Peloponnese, will present Thinking of Greece’s role in Global Political Economy on Wednesday 13 November 2019 from 1pm-2pm in FB 4.04/4.08. The seminar is meant to draw attention to the role of Greece’s involvement in global political economy issues. How does Greece, being a small power, impacts on the global political economy? The paper will discuss key aspects of Greece’s global footprint by looking into specific sectors (such as shipping, logistics, developmental assistance, energy) and by looking into how Greece has played a role in shaping global economic governance.

2. International Conference at the French Institute of Greece: The international conference on “Filmic and Media Narratives of the Crisis: Contemporary Representations” is hosted at the French Institute of Greece, in Athens, on November 7th and 8th.

The crisis narrated by the cinema and the media-stories (fictional and “informative”) is an ideal topic reflecting thoughts, doubts, and fears of the contemporary society.Following the 2015 Thessaloniki Works on the Narratives of Crisis, “Filmic and Media Narratives of the Crisis: Contemporary Representations” deepens the reflection of the contemporary representations on two special axes: the filmic narratives and the mass and social media narratives.

For more information about the conference programme, its organisers and participants, please click here.


If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.