GPSG Newsflash 07/2018


GPSG Newsflash 07/18

Events and Notices

21 December 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and calls for papers:


  1. GPSG’s new website: The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) has a brand-new shiny website and is now live! Visit and join us to learn more about our activities and get updates on our latest news. You are invited to renew your membership at
  2. Funding Competition: The PSA Specialist Groups ‘Pushing the Boundaries’ Funding Competition allows Specialist Groups the opportunity to bid for additional funding of up to £2,500 for special events and activities beyond their regular programme of activity. Funding can also be used to bring an overseas colleague to a specialist group event/conference or perhaps for publications of a specialist nature.

The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the PSA cordially invites all interested scholars to submit their ideas to Stella Ladi ([email protected]) and Georgios Karyotis ([email protected]) by 1 January 2019.

For more information about the competition and supported activities, please see attached pdf.

3. Winner of the GPSG Call for Papers Competition 2018: The paper titled “Mapping the far-right vote in the European electoral arena: The Greek far-right in cross-national perspective” by Evgenia (Jenny) Eleni Mavropoulou (PhD cand.), Panteion University, has won the £120 prize under the GPSG Call for Papers Competition “Greece: From Economic Rescue to Recovery and Reform?”.

The paper has just been published in GPSG Working Papers series and can be found here.



  1. Book Presentation: The Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus, is organising the presentation of our member’s Dr. Petros Violakis’ book titled ‘Europeanization and Transformation of the EU Security Policy: Post-Cold War Developments in the Common Security and Defense Policy’. The event will take place on Monday 3 December, at 16:00, at the University of Piraeus, Conference Room.

For more information about the event, please see attached pdf.

  1. Call for Applications: The Institute for Small Businesses is interested in collaborating with a Social Scientist with a background in Political Science or European Studies, and expertise in European Social Dialogue.

Applications Deadline: 6 December.

For more information about the call, please see attached pdf (in Greek).

  1. Call for Papers: The University of Sheffield, University of Exeter, University of Oxford (SEESOX) and University of Peloponnese are co-organising a two-day international conference titled ‘Greek Social Movements between Past and Present’ hosted by the American College of Greece and its Institute of Global Affairs on 5-6 April 2019.

PhD Students, early career and senior researchers are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short CV (one page) by 15 December 2018 to Eirini Karamouzi ([email protected]), Lamprini Rori ([email protected]) and Konstantina Botsiou ([email protected]).

For more information about the call and conference, please see below



If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dr. Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,

Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.