GPSG Newsflash 06/2018


Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and calls for papers:


  1. Panel Discussion at the Onassis Cultural Centre: The GPSG is co-convening a two-panels discussion on the political participation of the Greek diaspora with the SEESOX (University of Oxford) and Dianeosis. The event will be hosted by the Onassis Cultural Centre “Stegi Grammaton Kai Technon” on 29 October 2018, from 18:00 to 20:30. The first panel will focus on the political participation of the Greeks leaving abroad and the second on the specific theme of political representation of the expats.If you would like to attend, please RSVP to more information about the programme of the event, please see attached pdf (in Greek).
  2. **Deadline extended to 19 October 2018** Call for Papers Competition: The GPSG invites Working Papers under the call “Greece: From Economic Rescue to Recovery and Reform?”. Papers should present research conducted on the impact of the debt crisis on Greek economic, political and social domains. We particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative research, as well as papers featuring original ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.Selected papers will be published in the GPSG Working Paper series.The best paper will receive an award of £120.

    Papers (including paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) should be submitted to: [email protected],  copying [email protected], by 19 October 2018.

    Authors may indicate whether their paper can be included in a panel proposal to be submitted to the 69th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference (15 – 17 April 2019).

    Please address all enquiries to Panagiota Manoli at [email protected].

    For more information about the competition, please click here.

  3. **Deadline extended to 19 October 2018** PSA 2019 Call for Papers: The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the PSA cordially invites all interested scholars to submit paper and panel proposals on all aspects of Greek society and politics. The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 19th October.The GPSG has a strong record of cross-fertilization with other PSA’s specialist groups. Whilst welcoming all proposals, we wish to particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative proposals, as well as papers featuring original ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.The 2019 PSA Annual Conference is hosted by Nottingham Trent University and its theme is (Un)Sustainable Politics in a Changing World. The highly anticipated Conference will be held at the Nottingham Conference Centre. For full details regarding all aspects of the Conference please visit the PSA’s website.

    Please send us your submissions for both individual paper proposals (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) and panels (full details of the papers and authors). You can email them to us at [email protected] copying [email protected]. For any enquires about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact our panel convenor Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni at [email protected].




  1. Seminar on Greek-Russian relations: The event titled ‘Reframing Greece’s Russian Policy’ is hosted by the Hellenic Observatory, at Cañada Blanch Room, 1st Floor, Cowdray House, on Tuesday 23 October, from 18:00 to 19:30.Speaker: Dr Panagiota Manoli.Chair: Dr Spyros Economides.

    For more information about the event, please click here.

  2. Seminar on post-crisis Greece: Dr. Stella Ladi will present some first-hand research findings on how policy-making has been affected by the Greek crisis and what lessons should be learned. The seminar titled ‘Post-crisis Greece: impact on democracy and governance after 8 years of Economic Adjustment Programmes’ will be held at Arts One Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus on 29 October, from 18:30 to 20:00.If you would like to attend, please RSVP here.For more information about the event, please see attached pdf.
  3. Seminar on the Greek economy: The event titled ‘Rebooting the Greek Economy: How Greece can lift growth, employment and stabilise public debt’ is hosted by the Hellenic Observatory, at Old Building (OLD 3.21), 3rd Floor, Department of Finance, on Tuesday 30 October, from 18:00 to 19:30.Speaker: Prof Nicos Christodoulakis.Discussant: Prof Manolis Galenianos.

    Chair: Prof Kevin Featherstone.

    For more information about the event, please click here.

  4. Call for CVs: The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy is interested in recording the existing research workforce in Greece in the fields of International Relations, European Studies, Strategic and Security Studies, Geopolitics, Migration and Area Studies. The aim is to create a database of researchers with whom the organisation can potentially collaborate in future research projects.CVs and Cover Letters should be submitted to Ms Papaioannou at [email protected] by 31 October, quoting ‘RES18’ in the email title.
  5. Seminar on intergenerational inequality in Greece: The event titled ‘The political consequences of intergenerational inequality in Greece’ is hosted by the Hellenic Observatory, at Cañada Blanch Room,1st Floor, Cowdray House, on Tuesday 6 November, from 18:00 to 19:30.Speaker: Dr Spyros Kosmidis.Chair: Prof Kevin Featherstone.

    For more information about the event, please click here.

  6. Seminar on the Greek crisis: The event titled ‘Going into the Greek Crisis: reflections from George Papandreou’ is hosted by the Hellenic Observatory (LSE Campus Venue TBC to ticketholders) on Monday 19 November, from 18:30 to 20:00.Speaker: George PapandreouChair: Prof Kevin Featherstone

    For more information about the event, please click here.


    If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dr. Dimitris Skleparis.

    Kind Regards,

    Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.