Leeds, 2005


The 55th annual conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA) took place at the University of Leeds in April 2005 exactly one year after the Lincoln conference in which the first seeds for a Greek Politics Specialist Group were sown. The GPSG had a strong first presence with four panels on a range of topics, including a joint panel with the Political Marketing Group.

Panel Convenors: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth), Maria Zisouli (AUEB).


GPSG Panel 1: Greek Foreign and Defence Policy

Chair: Stella Ladi (University of Sheffield)


GPSG Panel 2: The Evolution of the Greek State

Chair: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)


GPSG Panel 3: Political Parties, Civic Participation and Political Expression in Greece

Chair: Stella Ladi (University of Sheffield)


GPSG Panel 4 in Collaboration with the Political Marketing Group (PMG): Political Marketing in Greece

Chair: Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)

  • Iordanis Kotzaivazoglou, Theodoros Oikonomou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), “The Americanization of Greek Politics: The Case of the 2004 General Election
  • Athanassios N. Samaras (Institute of Mediterranean Studies), “Political Marketing, Partytocracy and the Transformations of the Greek Political Communication System”
  • Eleni Apospori, Maria Zisouli, George Avlonitis (Athens University of Economics and Business), “Political Marketing and Voting Behaviour in Greece