PSA 2019 Call for Papers


From Leeds 2005 to Cardiff 2018, the GPSG has consistently had a very strong presence at the Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conferences, while also promoting cross-fertilisation with other Specialist Groups and international networks. The GPSG cordially invites scholars to submit paper and panel proposals for the 2019 PSA Annual Conference, which will be hosted by Nottingham Trent University and its theme is (Un)Sustainable Politics in a Changing World. Please find attached a general call for proposals on all aspects of Greek society and politics, as well as two specific calls, one on the whether the economic storm is over in Southern Europe (jointly organised with ECPR’s Southern European Politics Standing Group) and another on party competition in Europe, jointly organised with  Nordic Politics, Italian Politics, French Politics, German Politics, and Parliaments Specialist Groups of the PSA.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 12th October 2018. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the GPSG’s panels ahead of the final PSA deadline (Monday 22 October). Please send your proposals for papers (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) or panels (with full details of the papers and authors) to [email protected], copying our Panel Convenor, Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni, who will be happy to respond to any enquires about this call or the conference at: [email protected].

For more information about the call for papers, please click PSA-2019-Call-For-Papers-Greek-Politics