Statement on the UK government’s decision to ban foreign academics from advising on Brexit


We are very troubled by the decision of the UK government to stop receiving the advice on Brexit of non-UK academics. This measure is deeply problematic. It is offensive, discriminatory and unnecessary. The academic community and the broader higher education sector in Britain have thrived precisely because they have been open and inclusive. Thousands of scholars who were not born in Britain have produced research and pedagogy that has benefitted the UK society, government, economy and culture. They are organically integrated and highly valued members of their institutions and disciplines. They contribute to the life of this country in good faith and are respected globally. The government’s decision sends the entirely wrong signal not just to the academic community, but to British society and the world at large. It isolates and discriminates against one particular demographic based on their background. It questions their professionalism and motives. It undermines not just their work, but the work of the British academic community as a whole.

The Greek Politics Specialist Group of the PSA has hundreds of members, including many non-UK political scientists and academics who work in British universities and other institutions. We express our unequivocal support for them and call on the government to reconsider its stance. We will be liaising with other learned societies and groups of the political studies community to ensure that our members have a voice and that they are treated with equality and dignity.

The Executive Committee of the GPSG

Dr Roman Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)
Dr Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)
Dr Stella Ladi (Queen Mary University of London / Panteion University)
Dr Vasilis Leontitsis (European Law and Governance School)
Dr Andrew Liaropoulos (University of Piraeus)
Dr Vasiliki Tsagkroni (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)
Dr Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University)


1. The Guardian“Government bars foreign academics from advising on Brexit”, 7/10/2016

Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA)
+44 (0) 2030 518440
[email protected]


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