Webinar_ “War (and Peace) in Ukraine”. A Web-discussion on the causes and implications of Russian invasion


“War (and Peace) in Ukraine”. A  Web-discussion on the causes and implications of Russian invasion.

Co-organised by GPSG and the Center for Political Research/Panteion University on 22 March 2022.

Speakers: Ilektra Kostopoulou, Panagiota Manoli and Sofia Typaldou, Coordinated by Romanos Gerodimos. 

Click here to watch: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/RlHYlttfymZbBdZsOVjfFpgb5HLrHL6k_le0tJKutbvoVIsPYghzh3dK9KCvHw6F.nMd4vmA6_HeOCqTg

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