Brighton, 2016


66th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference

 Hilton Brighton Metropole, Brighton

21-23 March 2016

GPSG Panels

Panel I: Elections and the Politics of Reform in Greece

Panel Chair: Dr R. Gerodimos (Bournemouth University)
Time and place to be confirmed

  • Antigone Lyberaki (Panteion University) ‘General rules versus particularistic favouritism: Syriza’s policy reversal on Guaranteed Minimum Income’.
  • Platon Tinios (University of Piraeus and LSE) ‘From Discussions without change to Change without Discussions: The technology of discussions and the problems of pension reform in Greece 2010-5’.
  • Ioannis Andreadis Evangelia Kartsounidou and Charalampos Chatzimallis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ‘Innovation, an answer to lack of funding: The 2015 Hellenic National Election Voter Study’.
  • John Ryan (LSE) ‘What are the lessons learned from the Greek Crisis and the pathways to more sustainable Eurozone’.


Panel II: Ideological Dimensions to the Greek Crisis

Panel Chair: V. Tsagkroni (Queen Mary University London)
Time and place to be confirmed

  • Christos Vrakopoulos (University of Reading) The role of political corruption on explaining the variations on the electoral support for the extreme right parties in Greece and Cyprus’.
  • Michail Theodosiadis (Goldsmiths, University of London) ‘European integration and the emergence of new racism’.
  • Theodore Koulouris (University of Brighton), ‘Neoliberalism, Ideology and “Banal” Media – the case of post-1990s Greece’.
  • Vasiliki Tsagkroni (Queen Mary University London) and Stella Ladi (Queen Mary University London) ‘Analysing parliamentary discourse in Greece between three memorandums: A populist appeal’.


Please address all enquiries to GPSG 2016 Panel Convenors:

For full details of the Conference please visit