Call for Papers Competition



The GPSG invites Working Papers under the call “Greece: From Economic Rescue to Recovery and Reform?”. Papers should present research conducted on the impact of the debt crisis on Greek economic, political and social domains. We particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative research, as well as papers featuring original ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.

Selected papers will be published in the GPSG Working Paper series.

The best paper will receive an award of £120.

Papers (including paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) should be submitted to: [email protected],  copying [email protected], by 12 October 2018.

Authors may indicate whether their paper can be included in a panel proposal to be submitted to the 69th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference (15 – 17 April 2019).

Please address all enquiries to Panagiota Manoli at [email protected].

For more information about the competition, please click Call for Papers Competition.