Cardiff, 2018


 68th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference

Cardiff City Hall & The Law and Politics Building, Cardiff University

26 – 28 March 2018 

Day 1, Monday 26th March 

Panel Session 1: 9.30-11.00

Migration and Identity in Southern Europe: Lived Experiences, Attitudes and Transformations

Chair: Dr Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)

Konstantinos Vlachopoulos (University of Glasgow) The Desecuritization of Migration in Greece: Contested Frames in Parliamentary Debates

Professor Petros Vamvakas (Emmanuel College), Professor Christina Kulich-Vamvakas (Worcester State University) Austerity, Demography, and the Forging of Liberal Identity in Mediterranean Europe in the 2010s

Dr Athanasia Chalari (University of Northampton) Youth Identity Formation During the Greek Crisis

Konstantinos Vlachopoulos (University of Glasgow) The Desecuritization of Migration in Greece: Contested Frames in Parliamentary Debates

Dr Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow), Dr Dimitris Skleparis (University of Glasgow) Building Futures: Comparative Perspectives on the Skills, Aspirations and Attitudes of Young Syrian Refugees

Vasileios Karakasis (Leiden University) ‘Operational Codes’ and Energy Security in Cyprus: Evaluating the Opinion Leaders’ Viewpoints Through Q-Methodology


Day 1, Monday 26th March 2018 

Panel Session 2: 14:30-16:00

Party Leaders in Europe: Discourse, Ideas and Interests 

Chair: Dr Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)

Theo Aiolfi (University of Warwick) Populists as Performers of Crisis: Le Pen’s Case During the 2017 Presidential Campaign

Dr Oivind Bratberg (University of Oslo) Socialist Synthesis: A Weberian Analysis of Ideas in Jeremy Corbyn’s Speeches

Dr Maria Elisabetta Lanzone (University of Genova) The Populist Political Communication Inside and Outside the Italian M5S: Grillo vs Pizzarotti

Professor John Ryan (London School of Economics) Greek Membership of the Eurozone Depends on the Merkel-Macron Relationship

Chris Vrakopoulos (University of Reading) Governance Matters! Understanding the success of the Extreme Right Parties in Europe


Day 2, Tuesday 27th March 

Panel Session 6: 15.30-17:00 

Intergenerational Inequality and Crisis in Greece

Chair: Dr Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)

Dr Christos Triantopoulos (Centre of Planning and Economic Research) Public Debt in Greece: An “Intergenerational” View of an Unsustainable Story

Dr Chrysa Leventi (University of Essex), Disentangling Annuities and Transfers: Redistribution in Greek Retirement Benefits

Dr Fay Makantasi (diaNEOsis and Athens University of Economics & Business) Youth Unemployment and Intergenerational Relations in Greece

Vangelis Arvanitis (ELIAMEP, University of Thessaly), Dimitris Katsikas (University of Athens) Intergenerational Inequality & Economic Growth in a Panel of Countries


For full details of the Conference please visit the conference website at