Μια ομάδα ερευνητών αναλύει τις στάσεις των νέων Ελλήνων και Ελληνίδων απέναντι στην ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΚΑΡΥΩΤΗΣ,ΧΡΥΣΑ ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΑΚΟΥ,ΙΑΚΩΒΟΣ ΜΑΚΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ,ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ ΤΣΑΓΚΡΩΝΗ,ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΗ ΡΟΡΗ,ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΣΚΛΕΠΑΡΗΣ,ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΤΣΑΡΟΥΧΑΣ  | ΜΑΪΟΣ 2022   Η έκθεση, την οποία μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ολόκληρη εδώ (PDF), πραγματεύεται τις ελληνικές στάσεις απέναντι στην ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση,...
2015 - GPSG Competition: "Innovative Approaches to the Study of Greek Society and Politics In June 2015, the Greek Politics Specialist Group launched its biennial competition inviting submissions on any aspect of Greek society, government, policies or politics. This year...
An interdisciplinary hybrid conference that aims to explore the links between past and present forced migrations between Greece and Turkey, how these are remembered, experienced and governed in both countries and beyond.   Abstract submission deadline: 15th of April 2022 Conference dates:...
The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the UK’s Political Studies Association and the Centre for Political Research, Panteion University are co-organising a three-day intensive seminar from the 8th until the 10th of January on research methods. The course...
Μια αξιόλογη πρωτοβουλία του GPSG ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία: Πώς εντάχθηκαν στην Ελλάδα οι μετανάστες της δεκαετίας του ‘90 και γιατί δε θέλουν να ενταχθούν οι μετανάστες και πρόσφυγες που έφτασαν εδώ πρόσφατα; Η έρευνα πραγματοποιήθηκε από τους Ρωμανός Γεροδήμος,...
2011 - Sponsored panel on "Post-Crisis Public Policy Reform in Southern Europe" at the ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland GPSG Panel at the ECPR General Conference Reykjavik, August 2011 “Post-Crisis Public Policy Reform in Southern Europe” Listen to the podcast here
The Greek Politics Specialist Group, with the participation of: Italian, Turkish, German, French, Nordic, Irish, Spanish Specialist Groups of PSA and the ECPR Southern European Politics come together in a virtual round table to discuss: 'Managing the Covid19 Pandemic: Lessons...
Greek-Russian relations have recently sparked an interest in academic circles and the broader public. In Greece, the debate has not merely centered on the question of whether Greece’s Russia policy is based on the right premises, but discussions concern...
“Crises as opportunities? Reconceptualising EU member states relationships in the age of permanent emergency”, Workshop, ECPR Joint Sessions 2022, The University of Edinburgh & Online, 19-22 April 2022.Panel Chair: Dr Stella Ladi, Reader at Queen Mary University of London and Associate Professor...
In December 2017, GPSG was awarded a grant by DiaNeosis to conduct a “Comparative Analysis of the Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Greece: Personal Experiences, Best Practices and Policy Proposals”.  The results of the study are expected in September of 2018. ...

