Μια ομάδα ερευνητών αναλύει τις στάσεις των νέων Ελλήνων και Ελληνίδων απέναντι στην ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΚΑΡΥΩΤΗΣ,ΧΡΥΣΑ ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΑΚΟΥ,ΙΑΚΩΒΟΣ ΜΑΚΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ,ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ ΤΣΑΓΚΡΩΝΗ,ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΗ ΡΟΡΗ,ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΣΚΛΕΠΑΡΗΣ,ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΤΣΑΡΟΥΧΑΣ  | ΜΑΪΟΣ 2022   Η έκθεση, την οποία μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ολόκληρη εδώ (PDF), πραγματεύεται τις ελληνικές στάσεις απέναντι στην ευρωπαϊκή ολοκλήρωση,...
  The objective of this initiative is to encourage and support young Turkish and Greek scholars, analysts, journalists and others to develop and draft together a research/policy paper which will highlight an area of common ground and cooperation between Greece...
"War (and Peace) in Ukraine". A  Web-discussion on the causes and implications of Russian invasion. Co-organised by GPSG and the Center for Political Research/Panteion University on 22 March 2022. Speakers: Ilektra Kostopoulou, Panagiota Manoli and Sofia Typaldou, Coordinated by Romanos Gerodimos.  Click...
Demertzis, Poulakidakos, Tsekeris_Public communication disruption and information accuracy (1)
Abstract The event aims to offer a new perspective on the period from junta to crisis based on the new book by Dimitris Tziovas, titled Greece from Junta to Crisis: modernization, transition, diversity The recent economic crisis in Greece has triggered national self-reflection...
Panagiota Manoli, GPSG Co-Convenor on "War in Ukraine – Views from Greece", ENC podcast.  To watch click here: ENC In-Depth Podcast Series: War in Ukraine - Episode 1 - ENCouncil
SOLIDARITY WITH UKRAINE GREEK POLITICS SPECIALIST GROUP OF THE POLITICAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF THE UK ·         We strongly condemn the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the killing of the people of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation that constitutes a...
Dr Stella Ladi (Panteion University/Queen Mary) “The Role of Experts in Crisis Management and Public Trust: Evidence from a public survey across four European countries” Abstract While experts are at the forefront of government efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, little...
An interdisciplinary hybrid conference that aims to explore the links between past and present forced migrations between Greece and Turkey, how these are remembered, experienced and governed in both countries and beyond.   Abstract submission deadline: 15th of April 2022 Conference dates:...
“Crises as opportunities? Reconceptualising EU member states relationships in the age of permanent emergency”, Workshop, ECPR Joint Sessions 2022, The University of Edinburgh & Online, 19-22 April 2022.Panel Chair: Dr Stella Ladi, Reader at Queen Mary University of London and Associate Professor...

