Dear Colleagues, The American College of Greece, together with the Institute for Hellenic Culture and the Liberal Arts, and the Center of Excellence in Food, Tourism and Leisure co-organise the Digital Humanities Bootcamp, scheduled to take place in September (4 – 8),...
Λαμπρινή Ρόρη, Άρθρο στο Αφιέρωμα του Γιάννη Πανταζόπουλου της Lifo, για τις Ευρωεκλογές
SOLIDARITY WITH UKRAINE GREEK POLITICS SPECIALIST GROUP OF THE POLITICAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF THE UK ·         We strongly condemn the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the killing of the people of Ukraine by armed forces of the Russian Federation that constitutes a...
Foteini Kalantzi (SEESOX, University of Oxford), A bare life in the borderlines of the Mediterranean", discussed by Dimitris Skleparis (Newcastle University). GPSG/BSA webinars on Modern Greek Studies, 01.03.2021
Κριτική του προσφατου βιβλιου του Δημήτρη Τσαρούχα και του O. Parker 'Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery: the Political Economies of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland' που συνεγραψε για λογαριασμο του Βηματος της Κυριακης, οπου και δημοσιευτηκε, ο Δημητρης Σωτηροπουλος...
  The Greek Politics Specialist Group, with the generous support of PSA’s Research and Innovation Fund and in association with the Centre for European Research at Queen Mary University London is opening a call for papers for a two-days’ workshop...
Abstract The event aims to offer a new perspective on the period from junta to crisis based on the new book by Dimitris Tziovas, titled Greece from Junta to Crisis: modernization, transition, diversity The recent economic crisis in Greece has triggered national self-reflection...
"War (and Peace) in Ukraine". A  Web-discussion on the causes and implications of Russian invasion. Co-organised by GPSG and the Center for Political Research/Panteion University on 22 March 2022. Speakers: Ilektra Kostopoulou, Panagiota Manoli and Sofia Typaldou, Coordinated by Romanos Gerodimos.  Click...

