Vassilis Karokis-Mavrikos _Digital Governance
GPSG Newsflash 3_23
Newsflash 01_23
Following the success of our previous election pamphlets, the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) will be publishing another collection of short comment pieces immediately after the elections on 24th May. The purpose is to offer an initial rapid response...
Dear Colleagues,The Greek Politics Specialist Group is delighted to host our eighth collection of short commentaries on the June 2023 election, entitled "First Thoughts on the 25th June 2023 Election in Greece". We want to thank all the contributors for their thoughts and input!  You...
Interview of George Giannakopoulos in the Serbian daily Republika Sprska on Greek elections. You can find the link here
Join us for a Webinar on: Greek Elections 2023: A new era for Greek politics? The event will be taking place on Thursday, 1st June 2023, at 7pm (European Eastern Summer Time/EEST) on Zoom: We welcome our panelists: Elias Dinas, Professor,...
Dear Colleagues, The American College of Greece, together with the Institute for Hellenic Culture and the Liberal Arts, and the Center of Excellence in Food, Tourism and Leisure co-organise the Digital Humanities Bootcamp, scheduled to take place in September (4 – 8),...

