Roman Gerodimos, “Hellas holder pusten” – Dagens Næringsliv (Norway)
Georgios Karyotis, “Grécia vai às urnas com o futuro Da zona do euro na berlinda” – O’ Globo (Brazil)
Stella Ladi: “De No Obtener Apoyo de Syriza, Tsipras Tendrá que Llamar a un Referéndum o a Elecciones” – Estrategia
Roman Gerodimos, “Pro-bailout party wins, but future uncertain for Greece” – The Washington Times
Roman Gerodimos, “Greek premier defiant on debt talks” – Los Angeles Times
Roman Gerodimos, “Will Greece’s ‘Fiscal Waterboarding’ Sink Europe?” – The Daily Beast / Newsweek
Stella Ladi, “Čo čaká Grécko: Nová vláda, extrémisti?” – Pravda (Slovakia)
Roman Gerodimos, “From Pegida to Syriza: The rise of radical Europe” – International Business Times
Georgios Karyotis, ‘Drohungen sind Teil jeder Verhandlung: Interview Mit Georgios Karyotis’ – Cicero Magazine (Germany)
Vasiliki Tsagkroni comments to Venetia Rainey's analysis for Independent on the Golden Dawn verdict: the neo-nazi group may be finished but the far-right lives on in Greece. You can read the article here 

