GPSG Newsflash 01/2019


GPSG Newsflash 01/19

Events and Notices

21 March 2019

Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events, research opportunities and recent publications:


  1. Research Methods Seminar: Τhe Centre for Political Research of Panteion University in collaboration with the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) are co-organizing a two-day intensive seminar delving into theory, methods and techniques of experimental research in Social Sciences. The seminar titled ‘Using Experiments in Social Sciences’ will take place at the venue of the Centre for Political Research at Panteion University on 16-17 May 2019. The working language will be Greek and English. The seminar will accommodate about 15 participants.

Applicants should email a short Curriculum Vitae (max two pages) and a short cover letter (max one page), in which they explain how their participation in the seminar benefits their research, to Vassiliki Georgiadou and Stella Ladi, by 12 April 2019.

The full seminar programme will be made available shortly. For more information about the seminar and confirmed seminar speakers, please click here.

  1. PSA Seeks Nominees for Election to its Executive Committee: The Association is embarking on an exciting new era, guided by a Strategic Plan that will enable us to become the leading British learned society within the social sciences. Trustees serve on the Executive Committee – comprising eleven elected and two co-opted Trustees – for a maximum of two three-year terms.

This year, three positions are up for election: We are seeking two innovative, creative, fiscally-minded and committed Trustees who will take on an allocated brief once elected; and a Secretary, who will likewise share the dynamism expected of all our trustees, and, ideally, possess experience of senior management and a keen eye for innovative ways to support our members.

The Executive Committee meets around four times a year, at our London HQ. In addition, the Secretary will also join the six-person Senior Leadership Team, which meets in between and in addition to Executive Committee meetings. As such, the roles involve a time commitment that fluctuates throughout the year but is not insignificant, and which necessitate excellent communication skills in between and during formal meetings.

As well as providing strategic leadership to the Association, those elected will become legal trustees of the Association as a charity, and therefore must act in accordance with Charity Commission guidelines.

Please see here for information:

To run, please email [email protected] with the following information:

– Your name

– Your institutional affiliation (if you have one);

– Your PSA membership number (you must be a member at the time of nomination – you can email [email protected] if you do not know your membership number);

– The PSA membership number of a second member who is willing to second your nomination (they may be based at your own institution or elsewhere), whose name as your seconder will be made public on your profile as a candidate;

– A personal statement (max. 150 words) that will be used within the election publicity as the rationale for why members should vote for you.

Call for nominations closes: Midnight Thursday 18th April.



  1. Seminar at the LSE Hellenic Observatory: The LSE Hellenic Observatory is hosting a research seminar titled ‘Analysing Crisis Discourse in Greece: who should we blame?’ on Tuesday 26 March, from 18:00 to 19:30, at Canada Blanch Room, Cow.1.11, Cowdray House. Dr Stella Ladi will analyse differences in the variety of political rhetoric on structuring and legitimising argumentation and strategies during periods of economic and political crisis.

For more information about the event, please click here.

  1. International Conference at the American College of Greece: The Universities of Exeter, Sheffield, Oxford (SEESOX), Peloponnese (KEDIS) and the American College of Greece Institute of Global Affairs are co-organising an international conference titled ‘Greek social movements between past and present’. The event will take place at Deree – The American College of Greece, on 5-6 April.

For more information about the programme of the conference, please see attached pdf.



  1. Visiting Fellowship Scheme at the LSE Hellenic Observatory: The Hellenic Observatory welcomes applications for Visiting Fellows, Visiting Senior Fellows & Visiting Professors by academics or policy practitioners who may want to spend a period of between 6-12 months at the LSE to conduct independent research on a topic relevant to the work of the Hellenic Observatory.

Please, send applications to [email protected] by 29th March, 17:00 GMT.

For more information on the Visiting Fellowship Scheme please click here.



  1. New Publication: Dimitris Tsarouhas and Nüve Yazgan ‘Trade, non-state actors and conflict: evidence from Greece and Turkey’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs. Available at:


If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dr. Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,

Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.