GPSG Newsflash 01/21


GPSG Newsflash 01/21
Events and Notices

25 February 2021
Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about events, research opportunities, and calls for papers:


1. GPSG Peer-Mentoring Scheme: The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) is pleased to announce a Peer-Mentoring Scheme initiative, which aims to bring together senior and junior members of the Greek Politics community.

The COVID-19 pandemic has fostered new modes of communication within the academic community and beyond. Within this context, while our channels of communication keep expanding and the chances to connect with each other, no matter where we are, continue to increase, opportunities for meaningful networking are becoming significantly infrequent. This is particularly affecting our colleagues in the early stages of their careers, where networking constitutes an invaluable resource for their development.

GPSG encourages senior and junior members of the community to voluntarily take part in this flexible scheme. The only requirement is a commitment to at least 6 one-to-one online/face-to-face meetings in a 12-month period, which will be tailored to and revolve around the mentee’s needs (e.g. career development advice; writing and publishing advice; research opportunities; peer-review of draft papers).

Colleagues who are willing to participate in the scheme are invited to express their interest by sending an email to Dimitris Skleparis by 31 March. Please make sure that your email includes: A) your name; B) 5 keywords that describe your research; and C) whether you are volunteering as a senior or junior member. The Peer-Mentor Coordinator will then match senior and junior members based on their stated research interests and will initiate the communication between the two parties.

We do hope that this initiative will be equally embraced by both ‘established’ and ‘less established’ academics as an excellent opportunity to expand their networks by including colleagues from outside their universities or usual collaboration circles.

2. GPSG Panels at the Annual PSA Conference: GPSG is pleased to announce the organisation of five panels at the 71st Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference, convened by Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) on 29th-31st March 2021:
– PANEL 221: The Covid-19 pandemic across Europe: responses, challenges and lessons (learned) – Monday 29 March, 11:15-12:45 (GMT). This panel is organised in collaboration with the German, French, Italian, Nordic and Turkish Politics Specialist Groups of the PSA
– PANEL 913: Capitalising on Constraint: Bailout Politics in Eurozone Countries. Book Launch – Wednesday 31 March, 9:00-10:30 (GMT)
– PANEL 1023: Greek Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic – Wednesday 31st March, 10:45-12:00 (GMT)
– PANEL 1123: Nationalism and anti-establishment parties in Greece – Wednesday 31st March, 13:45-15:15 (GMT)
– Global challenges, Europe and Greece (Ex Ordo Reference Number #1016) – TBC

You can download the full programme of our panels by clicking here.

3. Monday 01 March 2021, 17.00-18.00 (GMT)The second webinar of the GPSG/BSA research webinar series on Modern Greek Studies will take place on Monday 01 March 2021, 17.00-18.00 (GMT). Dr Foteini Kalantzi (SEESOX, University of Oxford) will give a paper on ‘A ‘bare life’ in the borderlines of the Mediterranean’. The talk will be discussed by Dr Dimitris Skleparis (Newcastle University). Abstract and bio attached.

For more information, please click here.

Pre-registration is mandatory. Please click here.
Tuesday 09 March 2021, 21:00-23:00 GMTThe Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies is pleased to present Dr. Roman Gerodimos, associate professor of Global Current Affairs at Bournemouth University, and a faculty member at the Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change, as the speaker for the fifth annual Edward and Emily McWhinney Memorial Lecture. Dr. Gerodimos’ public talk is entitled Is There a Future for ‘The West’? European Security, the Transatlantic Alliance, and the Role of Values in the New World Disorder.

To pre-register and for more information, please click here.


Colleagues are invited to submit their abstracts for the Media and Communication special issue titled “Media and Migration in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Discourses, Policies and Practices in Times of Crisis”. Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are asked to consult the journal’s instructions for authors and submit their abstracts (maximum of 250 words, with a tentative title) to the editors – Vasiliki TsagkroniAmanda Alencar and Dimitris Skleparis – for internal selection by 31 March.

For more information about this special issue, please click here.

The Hellenic Observatory invites applications from researchers to conduct time-sensitive and globally competitive policy-relevant research on contemporary Greece and/or Cyprus. Launched in 2017/18, the Hellenic Observatory Research Calls Programme awards research grants annually to support original, high-quality and policy-related social science research on Greece and Cyprus and to foster co-operation between academics in Greece and beyond. The programme is supported by the A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation (ACLCF) and Dr Vassili G. Apostolopoulos. 

Applications are to be submitted electronically here by Sunday 9 May 2021 (23.59 GMT) in Word format and the subject line of the email should read “HO Call 2021”.
For further information and details on Eligibility and Application Procedure please click here.

For more details on this new Research Programme please click here


If you would like to share any news, new publications, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.