GPSG Newsflash 03/21


GPSG Newsflash 03/21
Events and Notices

26 May 2021
Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about events, jobs opportunities and publications:


1. Call for Expressions of Interest – GPSG Executive Committee OfficersThe Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) invites expressions of interest for up to four new posts of its Executive Committee (EC). The Executive Committee is the primary decision-making body of the GPSG. Through its Officers, the Executive Committee, plans and implements the Group’s strategy, action plan, funding applications, collaborations and activities; manages the day-to-day budget and operations of the Group; maintains accurate records of the Group’s meetings, members and activities; organises, launches and manages events, panels, roundtables, competitions, contests; edits the Group’s publications, such as the Working Paper Series; and appoints the new members to its Executive and Advisory Committees, including the Convenors.

The GPSG is committed to a policy of equality and diversity and all applications will be considered purely on the basis of their merit and the individual’s ‘fit’ to the role.

Expressions of interest should comprise a full CV and a short cover note explaining why the applicant is interested in becoming a member of the GPSG Executive Committee and what they feel they could bring to the role. They should be submitted to Stella Ladi and Vasiliki Tsagkroni by 23.59 on Tuesday, 15 June 2021. Late applications will not be considered. Applicants should be (or have become, before the deadline) full members of the GPSG. Affiliate members and full members who have not renewed their membership can do so before the deadline. If you are unsure as to your membership status, please email Vasiliki Tsagkroni.

Colleagues who are interested in joining the EC are encouraged to have informal discussions with one or more of the current Convenors and EC officers. As per our Constitution, all expressions of interest will be considered by the Executive Committee, which will shortlist candidates. If, at the end of the process, there are more shortlisted candidates than there are places, then an election will be held amongst GPSG members. Only full (paid-up) members will be able to participate in that process.

2. GPSG-BSA Webinar – Monday 14/6, 17:00 (London Time)The fourth webinar of the GPSG/BSA research webinar series on Modern Greek Studies will take place on Monday 14 June 2021, 17.00-18.00 (London Time). Dr Susannah Verney, Associate Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, will give a talk on Researching Greek Attitudes towards European Integration through Eurobarometer surveys. Her presentation will be discussed by Dr Eirini Karamouzi, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

Pre-registration for this event is mandatory. Please click here.

3. GPSG Working Paper #35GPSG is pleased to announce the publication of Working Paper #35 titled ‘Covid-19, Gig Economy and Employment in Greece: Threat or Opportunity?’, authored by Asteris Huliaras and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos. The paper offers an analysis of the gig economy as an opportunity for the Greek economy and labour market amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

You can download Working Paper #35 by clicking here.


1. Tuesday 01/06 16:00-17:30 (London time)Join Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich, co-author of The Politics of Bad Options, OUP, 2020), Stella Ladi (CER) and Catherine Moury (Nova University Lisbon, co-authors of Capitalising on constraint, MUP, 2021) for a conversation on Lessons from the Eurozone crisis: EMU limitations and national bargaining. The authors and discussants of two books on the Eurozone crisis recently published employ different perspectives and methodologies to understand one of the biggest crises that hit Europe in the last decade. How can we explain the causes of the crisis and limitations of the response? What lessons can be learned for future economic crises?

To register for the event please click here.

2. Τετάρτη 26 Μαΐου 2021, ώρα 19:00Οι εκδόσεις Ι. ΣΙΔΕΡΗΣ σας προσκαλούν σε διαδικτυακή συνάντηση με θέμα “Συσπονδίες: πολιτική, πολιτεία, ένωση” με αφορμή τα βιβλία του Δημήτρη Ν. Χρυσοχόου, Καθηγητή Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Η διαδικτυακή συνάντηση θα μεταδοθεί μέσω του συδέσμου.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την εκδήλωση, παρακαλώ πατήστε εδώ.

1. Executive Dean | Deree – The American College of GreeceThe American College of Greece (ACG) is seeking to recruit an Executive Dean. The Executive Dean (who should hold a European passport) provides leadership, management and coordination of the Deree undergraduate and graduate programs and services. Reporting to the Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer (SVP/CAO), the Executive Dean serves as a member of the President’s Cabinet and supervises the following administrative direct reports: Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Dean, School of Business and Economics; Dean, Frances Rich School of Fine and Performing Arts; Dean, School of Graduate and Professional Education; Dean, Academic Administration and Registrar; Dean, ACG Libraries. Apart from the admin duties, the Executive Dean will also have the opportunity to teach 1-2 courses and/or lead an administrative unity for the Center of Excellence. 

Interested candidates, possessing the required experience and qualifications, are invited to apply by clicking here.

2. Two Positions at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)Τhe Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) is inviting applications for one full-time Post-Doctoral Researcher and one part-time Senior Research Fellow to join ELIAMEP’s “Ariane Condellis European Programme”. The positions are starting in June 2021 and are offered for one (1) year with the possibility of extension for one or more additional year(s).

Applications should include a cover letter in English including a detailed statement of research interests, a CV, and the names and contact details of two potential referees. Please submit your application before May 31st, 2021.

For more information about the posts, please click here and here.


3. Επίκουρος Καθηγητής – Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών Η Πρύτανης του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Επιστημών αποφάσισε την προκήρυξη (ανοικτή προκήρυξη) για την πλήρωση μιας (1) θέσης στη βαθμίδα του Καθηγητή πρώτης βαθμίδας, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο «Διεθνείς Σχέσεις».

Mπορείτε να δείτε περισσότερα πραγματοποιώντας είσοδο στον λογαριασμό σας και μεταβαίνοντας στον σύνδεσμο.

Ημερομηνία Έναρξης Υποβολών: 25/05/2021
Ημερομηνία Λήξης Υποβολών: 23/06/2021

The Institute of Global Affairs of The American College of Greece and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ΕLIAMEP) organise the 1st Global Politics Online Summer Academy titled “Is the Eastern Mediterranean Doomed to Instability? Prospects for Cooperation and Stability”. The summer school will take place on Monday 5th – Wednesday 7th July 2021 and is designed for undergraduates and graduate students from Greece and abroad, in the fields of political science, law, international relations, security and ‘area studies’, policy practitioners and NGO representatives, among others.

For more information about the programme, please click here.

You may apply online by clicking here.

Deadline: 31st May 2021


  • Panagakou, S., 2020. Empowering Migrant Women Through Poetry. Journal of Educational Thought/Revue de la Pensée Educative53(3), pp.253-256.

If you would like to share any news, new publications, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.