GPSG Newsflash 04/21



GPSG Newsflash 04/21
Events and Notices

16 September 2021
Dear Colleagues,

Wishing you a great start to the academic year! The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about events, jobs opportunities and publications:


1. New Executive CommitteeGPSG is pleased to announce the composition of its new executive committee. The group is delighted to welcome Panagiota Manoli as co-convenor of GPSG, jointly with Vasiliki (Billy) Tsagkroni, and five new members in its executive committee: Alexandros Kyriakidis as Secretary; Georgia Dimari as Membership and Communication Officer; Angelos Angelou as Publications Officer; Dimitra Panagiotatou as the new Internal Communications Officer; and George Giannakopoulos as External Activities Officer. Lamprini Rori remains the group’s Press & Media Officer, while Dimitris Skleparis assumes the role of the Treasurer.

We would like to thank Georgios Karyotis, Stella Ladi, Thanassis Gouglas, and Eirini Karamouzi for their services to the group in the past years, and wish them every success in their new role as members of the group’s Advisory Committee.

2. Research Opportunity at the GPSGThe Greek Politics Specialist Group of the PSA (UK) invites applications from researchers to conduct research on the theme “Pandemic and the Greek State”. Researchers are invited to submit their research proposals (1 page / 500 words) in English related to the above theme.

One project will be selected for an award of up to £400 (1 award) and it should run for a period of 3 months leading to the publication of a GPSG Working Paper. The selected Researcher will be expected to join the GPSG and contribute to the Group’s academic activities.


  • Recent MA/PhD degree in Social Sciences (Politics, Economics, Sociology). PhD candidates may also apply.
  • Excellent knowledge of English as a working language and good knowledge of Greek.
  • Experience in participation in research focusing on contemporary European politics

Duration of the contract: November 2021-February 2022

Please submit your application electronically including your Research Proposal and CV with “Research Assistant_21” in the subject line, to Dimitris Skleparis and Dimitra Panagiotatou.    

Deadline for applications: 10 October 2021.

3. PSA22 Annual International Conference – General Call for Papers on Greek PoliticsOne of the core aims of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA) is to organise focused, scholarly panels at the annual conference of the PSA, featuring senior and junior academics and researchers working on the field of Greek politics. From Leeds in 2005 to the Virtual Conference in 2021, the GPSG has consistently had a very strong presence at PSA annual conferences, while also promoting cross-fertilisation with other Specialist Groups and international networks.The 2022 Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conference will take place in York and its theme is ‘Politics from the Margins’. For full details regarding all aspects of the Conference, please visit the PSA’s website.

The GPSG cordially invites scholars to submit paper and panel proposals on all aspects of Greek society and politics. We wish to particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative proposals, as well as papers featuring original theoretical ideas and empirical data. All methodological and epistemological approaches based on sound social science reasoning are welcome.
Please send your proposals for papers (consisting of a paper title, 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation and full contact details) or panels (with full details of the papers and authors) to our Panel Convenors Vasiliki Tsagkroni and Georgia Dimari, who will be happy to respond to any enquires about this call or the conference.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday 3rd October 2021. Applicants will be notified whether they have been included in the GPSG’s panels ahead of the final PSA deadline (before 11 October).

We look forward to seeing many of you in York!

4. International Conference “Constitution-making and democracy in troubled times” and GPSG CfPThe GPSG aims at organizing 1-2 panels at the international conference “Constitution-making and democracy in troubled times” to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 16-17 December 2021 in English, both in physical presence and online (hybrid), considering COVID-19 restrictions. The conference is co-organized by the Center for Research on Democracy and Law of the University of Macedonia (Greece), the EU-funded COST Action “Constitution-making and deliberative democracy,” and the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, within the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The overall aim is to shed light on theoretical and applied multidisciplinary approaches related to the system of democratic governance and human rights, especially in light of the major challenges during the last decade (financial crisis, immigration crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, etc.).
The GPSG invites paper proposals from any social science discipline (political science, sociology, law, etc.) that focus on the thematic areas of the conference but with an emphasis on Greece, whether at the national and/or local levels, trans/internationally (e.g., Greece in the EU, Greece in the international system, etc.), or in a comparative perspective. If you are interested in presenting (this can be either in physical presence or online), please send an abstract of 200 words maximum and a brief biography of 150 words maximum (both in English) to Alexandros Kyriakidis.

1. Hellenic Observatory – A.G. Leventis Research Innovation Programme on CyprusFor the third year, the Hellenic Observatory invites applications from researchers to conduct high-quality and policy-relevant research on contemporary Cyprus. Unless otherwise indicated, projects are eligible for consideration from across the social sciences; have either a domestic or external focus; and/or place Cyprus in comparative perspective. Projects should normally have clear relevance to public policy in Cyprus: 
  • Collaborative Research Project: GBP £20,000 grant (plus up to GBP £5,000 for the LSE Academic) – the project to run for a maximum of 24 months (one award): Decolonizing the study of Cyprus.
  • Small Research Project: GBP £8,000 grant – the project to run for a maximum of 12 months (one award): Culture Wars.

Applications are to be submitted electronically by 30 September 2021 (23.59 GMT) in Word format to [email protected] and the subject line of the email should read “HO Cyprus Call 2021”.

For further information and details on Eligibility and Application Procedure, please click here.

For more details on this Research Programme, please click here.


1. The Society for Modern Greek Studies – Niki Marangou PhD Dissertation PrizeThe Society for Modern Greek Studies proudly announces the 2022 Niki Marangou PhD Dissertation Prize for the best dissertation completed in Modern Greek Studies in the UK. This new prize, now in its second round, recognises the lasting contributions of Niki Marangou, a Cypriot poet, novelist, and painter, to Greek letters and the arts. The prize will be awarded annually by the Society for an outstanding PhD dissertation in Modern Greek Studies that must be defended and formally submitted by the year-end deadline (31 Dec. 2021).

The value of the prize is £500.00. The prize is open to PhD students currently or recently enrolled in any UK University who are or become members of the Society for 2021-22. They must submit their dissertation in English in pdf format (only) for consideration by a committee in advance of the deadline of 31 December 2021. Candidates should also submit a cover letter (in pdf) listing the names of their dissertation committee members and asking their primary supervisors to co-sign it. 

For more information, please click here.



1. House of Commons internship opportunity | The Political Studies Association (PSA)This joint initiative between the PSA and House of Commons Committee Office provides a fantastic opportunity for Early Career Network members of the PSA, currently studying toward their PhD, to gain some real-world experience working at Westminster.

This is a fantastic opportunity for PhD students to challenge themselves in an environment outside of academia. You will have the opportunity to work in a fast-paced policy environment not necessarily specific to your field of study, progress your research skills, and develop invaluable transferable skills. Feedback from previous participants has been very positive – not just from the students themselves but also from the committee clerks and their academic supervisors.

To apply for this opportunity please send your CV, together with a one-page covering letter, detailing why you want to take on the internship and how you fulfil the personal specification. You will also need to confirm that your supervisor and department are supportive of your application. Please email [email protected] with ‘HoC Placement’ in the subject line.

The deadline for applications is Sunday 26 September (midnight).

For more information about this opportunity, please click here.


  • Balafas, V. and Fakiolas, E.T., 2021. Branding a Potential Energy Hub as National Interest in the Eastern Mediterranean: More Than an Energy Supply Issue. In Handbook of Research on Future Policies and Strategies for Nation Branding (pp. 18-39). IGI Global.
  • Hlepas, N.K. and Koliastasis, P., 2021. Necessity as the trigger of invention? The promotion of innovations in Athens and Elefsina. Urban Research & Practice, pp.1-17.
  • Karyotis, G., Skleparis, D. and Patrikios, S., 2021. New migrant activism: Frame alignment and future protest participation. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations.
  • Tsarouhas, D. 2021 ‘EU-Turkey economic relations and the Customs Union: a rules-based approach’, ELIAMEP Policy Paper 68/2021, May.
  • Tsourapas, G. and Zartaloudis, S., 2021. Leveraging the European Refugee Crisis: Forced Displacement and Bargaining in Greece’s Bailout Negotiations. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies.

If you would like to share any news, new publications, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dimitra Panagiotatou.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.

Further Information

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