The Greek Politics Specialist Group of the PSA (UK) invites applications from researchers to conduct research on the theme “Pandemic and the Greek State”. Researchers are invited to submit their research proposals (1 page / 500 words) in English...
Dr Iosif Kovras (University of Cyprus), “Who’s sorry now? Explaining (Non) Apologies in Post-Crisis Europe”, discussed by Professor Stathis Kalyvas (University of Oxford). Research webinar series on Modern Greek Studies, organised by the British School at Athens and the Greek Politics Specialist Group. Recorded...
Dr Susannah Verney (University of Athens), “Greek Euroscepticism after a Decade of Crises: Researching Public Opinion through Eurobarometer Surveys”, discussed by Dr Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield). Research webinar Series on Modern Greek Studies, organised by the British School at Athens and the Greek Politics...
Antonis Ellinas (University of Cyprus), Right-wing extremism and antifascist mobilization in Greece, discussed by Vasiliki Georgiadou (Panteion University). GPSG/BSA webinars on Modern Greek Studies, 19.04.2021.
Organised by GPSG at the PSA conference with the participation of Catherine Moury, Stella Ladi, Claudio Radaelli, Emmanuel Matsaganis and Dimitris Papadimitriou. Chaired by Roman Gerodimos.
Foteini Kalantzi (SEESOX, University of Oxford), A bare life in the borderlines of the Mediterranean", discussed by Dimitris Skleparis (Newcastle University). GPSG/BSA webinars on Modern Greek Studies, 01.03.2021
The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) is pleased to welcome Alexandros Kyriakidis as Research Assistant for the project “Covid-19 Pandemic and European Policy Responses. A Literature Review”. Alexandros Kyriakidis is a Fellow and Head of Operations & Research at the...
Research Opportunity at the GPSG! Deadline for application: 20 November 2020  The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) is looking for a Research Assistant - with remuneration -  for the project “Covid-19 Pandemic and European Policy Responses. A Literature Review”. Deadline for application: 20 November...
The Greek Politics Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association (UK) strongly condemns the actions of individuals who invaded the Athens University of Economics and Business and violently attacked and insulted its Rector Dimitris Bourantonis. This was an attack...
Βίντεο από τη διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση με θέμα «Πώς θα τελειώσουμε οριστικά με την Ακροδεξιά;» που διοργάνωσε το Ίδρυμα Θεμιστοκλή και Δημήτρη Τσάτσου – Κέντρο Ευρωπαϊκού Συνταγματικού Δικαίου τη Δευτέρα 19 Οκτωβρίου 2020. Ομιλητές:  • Ξενοφών Κοντιάδης, Καθηγητής Παντείου, Πρόεδρος Ιδρύματος Τσάτσου  Αναγκαίες θεσμικές μεταρρυθμίσεις...

