69th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference 15th-17th April 2019  Day 1, Monday 15th April  Panel Session 1: 9.30-11:00 The Political Economy of Greece in Comparative Perspective: Beyond the Crisis? Chaired By Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni (Leiden University) Crisis, Policy Entrepreneurs and Reform Cycles: Comparative Analysis of Greece...
The 57th annual conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA) took place in April 2007 at the University of Bath. The Greek Politics Specialist Group had a strong presence with four panels on a range of fields. Panel Convenors: Roman...
GPSG Panel 1: International Roundtable - Public Policy in Southern Europe Panel Convenors: Dr Stella Ladi (Panteion University) and Dr Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University) Chair: Dr Stella Ladi (Panteion University) Prof. Jacint Jordana, Professor, Institut Barcelona d' Estudis Internacionals  Download...
The 58th annual conference of the Political Studies Association took place in April 2008 at the University of Swansea. Swansea marked the fourth consecutive year of GPSG panels and was one of the Group’s most successful conferences. The Group’s...
67th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference  Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow 10-12 April 2017 Day 2, Tuesday 11th April Session 5 13:30–15:00 New Security Threats in Southern Europe Chair: Dr Noëlle Burgi (CNRS-Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique-University Paris I) Graham Hills...
The 55th annual conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA) took place at the University of Leeds in April 2005 exactly one year after the Lincoln conference in which the first seeds for a Greek Politics Specialist Group were...

