Antonis Ellinas (University of Cyprus), Right-wing extremism and antifascist mobilization in Greece, discussed by Vasiliki Georgiadou (Panteion University). GPSG/BSA webinars on Modern Greek Studies, 19.04.2021.
Dimitris Sotiropoulos (University of Athens) gave a paper on 'Populism, party politics, and the economic crisis: contrasting the case of Greece and the case of Portugal'. The paper was discussed by Lamprini Rori (University of Exeter/European University Institute). You can...
Dr Iosif Kovras (University of Cyprus), “Who’s sorry now? Explaining (Non) Apologies in Post-Crisis Europe”, discussed by Professor Stathis Kalyvas (University of Oxford). Research webinar series on Modern Greek Studies, organised by the British School at Athens and the Greek Politics Specialist Group. Recorded...
Foteini Kalantzi (SEESOX, University of Oxford), A bare life in the borderlines of the Mediterranean", discussed by Dimitris Skleparis (Newcastle University). GPSG/BSA webinars on Modern Greek Studies, 01.03.2021
Organisers: Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield) and Lamprini Rori (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) Host: John Bennet (Director of the British School at Athens) All seminars are online. The roundtable will take place in person in the British School at...
Dr Susannah Verney (University of Athens), “Greek Euroscepticism after a Decade of Crises: Researching Public Opinion through Eurobarometer Surveys”, discussed by Dr Eirini Karamouzi (University of Sheffield). Research webinar Series on Modern Greek Studies, organised by the British School at Athens and the Greek Politics...
This event (part of a series on Modern Greek Studies co-organised by the BSA and the Greek Politics Specialist Group), will reflect on the military regime’s reactionary, ultra-conservative, repressive and pseudo-modernising attitudes and policies towards education, youth and culture,...
Dr Stella Ladi (Panteion University/Queen Mary) “The Role of Experts in Crisis Management and Public Trust: Evidence from a public survey across four European countries” Abstract While experts are at the forefront of government efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, little...
"War (and Peace) in Ukraine". A  Web-discussion on the causes and implications of Russian invasion. Co-organised by GPSG and the Center for Political Research/Panteion University on 22 March 2022. Speakers: Ilektra Kostopoulou, Panagiota Manoli and Sofia Typaldou, Coordinated by Romanos Gerodimos.  Click...
"The anatomy of the Greek Middle Class" The Greek Politics Specialist Group and the British School at Athens are happy to invite you to a roundtable discussion on "The Anatomy of the Greek Middle Class", with Valia Aranitou (University of...

