Two-day conference is co-organized by University of Sheffield, University of Exeter, University of Oxford (SEESOX), University of Peloponnese, and hosted by the American College of Greece and its Institute of Global Affairs. The conference will be held Friday 5 April...
Dimitris Tsarouhas will be presenting at The European Union Study Group of Centre for European Studies Harvard on: The Eurozone Crisis in the European Periphery: Causes and Consequences This presentation investigates the causes and consequences of the Eurozone economic crisis, focusing...
Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2018 ώρα 18:00-20:30*
Κεντρική Σκηνή της Στέγης Ιδρύματος Ωνάση
18:00-19.15 Διασπορά και πολιτική συμμετοχή Συντονιστής: Όθων Αναστασάκης (Διευθυντής Κέντρου Σπουδών Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, Πανεπιστήμιο Οξφόρδης) Ομιλητές: Παύλος Ελευθεριάδης (Καθηγητής Δημοσίου Δικαίου, Πανεπιστήμιο Οξφόρδης) Αλέξανδρος Κιτροέφ (Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Ιστορίας, Haverford College) Άννα Ειρήνη Μπάκα (Διδάκτωρ Νομικής,...
From Leeds 2005 to Cardiff 2018, the GPSG has consistently had a very strong presence at the Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual Conferences, while also promoting cross-fertilisation with other Specialist Groups and international networks. The GPSG cordially invites scholars...
The GPSG invites Working Papers under the call “Greece: From Economic Rescue to Recovery and Reform?”. Papers should present research conducted on the impact of the debt crisis on Greek economic, political and social domains. We particularly encourage comparative, cross-disciplinary and collaborative research,...
The GPSG is pleased to announce the final program of the four-day intensive seminar delving into methodological issues in research for social movements, co-organised by the University of Sheffield, the University of Exeter and the Centre for Political Research of Panteion University....
Dear Colleagues, At a special meeting of the GPSG Executive Committee last week, Andrew and I announced our intention to step down from our role as Convenors of the Greek Politics Specialist Group, and also from the Executive Committee. The decision...
We are very troubled by the decision of the UK government to stop receiving the advice on Brexit of non-UK academics. This measure is deeply problematic. It is offensive, discriminatory and unnecessary. The academic community and the broader higher...
Με έκπληξη και ανησυχία πληροφορηθήκαμε την εντολή εκ μέρους του Πρύτανη του Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας προκειμένου να διεξαχθεί Ένορκη Διοικητική Εξέταση (ΕΔΕ) για να διερευνηθεί ο τρόπος διεξαγωγής των εκτιμήσεων της Μονάδας Ερευνών Κοινής Γνώμης και Αγοράς, επιστημονικός υπεύθυνος της...