GPSG Newsflash 02/21 Events and Notices 13 April 2021 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about events, publications and calls for papers: GPSG NEWS 1. GPSG-BSA Webinar - Monday 19/4, 17.00-18.00 (GMT): The third webinar of the GPSG/BSA research webinar...
GPSG Newsflash 08/19 Events and Notices 02 December 2019 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for applications, research opportunities, and events: GPSG NEWS 1. Application Deadline Extended – Research Methods Seminar: The deadline for expression of interest for...
GPSG Newsflash 01/21 Events and Notices 25 February 2021 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about events, research opportunities, and calls for papers: GPSG NEWS 1. GPSG Peer-Mentoring Scheme: The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) is pleased to...
14 March 2014 Dear Colleagues, The following calls and notices may be of interest: South European Society and Politics, Volume 18, Issue 4 FULL ISSUE AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD For a limited time only! Special Issue: Protest Elections and Challenger Parties:...
Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and calls for papers: GPSG NEWS Panel Discussion at the Onassis Cultural Centre: The GPSG is co-convening a two-panels discussion on the political participation of...
GPSG Newsflash 06/20 Events and Notices 17 December 2020 Dear Colleagues, We hope you will be able to enjoy the upcoming Christmas break, away from your computers and as close as possible to your loved ones. The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share...
17 January 2018 Dear Colleagues, We wish you a very happy, successful and rewarding 2018! The Greek Politics Specialist Group is also pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and Calls for Papers: GPSG NEWS Grant Capture: In December 2017, GPSG was awarded a...
11 October 2019 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group would like to announce that the deadline of our PSA 2020 Calls for Papers have been extended to 15/10/2019. You are cordially invited to submit paper and/or panel proposals to the following calls:   1. PSA 2020 Annual Conference...
GPSG Newsflash 03/20 Events and Notices 8 September 2020   Dear Colleagues, We hope that this email finds all of you and your loved ones in good health. The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about calls for...
GPSG Newsflash 05/20 Events and Notices 13 November 2020 Dear Colleagues, We hope that this email finds all of you and your loved ones in good health. The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about research opportunities, and calls...

