GPSG Newsflash 02/2019


GPSG Newsflash 02/19
Events and Notices

10 April 2019
Dear Colleagues,

The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events, calls for papers, research opportunities and recent publications:


1. GPSG Panels and Meetings at the Annual PSA Conference: The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) is pleased to announce the organisation of two panels at the 69th Political Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference, hosted at Nottingham Trent University, on 15-17 April 2019:
– The panel on ‘The Political Economy of Greece in Comparative Perspective: Beyond the Crisis?’ will take place at 09.30-11.00, Monday 15th AprilVenue N24 / Arkwright Building.
– The panel on ‘Southern Europe After the Storm: Sovereignty, Democracy and Euroscepticism’ will take place at 14.45-16.15, Monday 15th AprilVenue N24 / Arkwright Building. This panel is organised in collaboration with the ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics.
You can download the full programme of our panels by clicking here.

We would also like to bring to your attention two meetings that will take place during the conference:
– The Annual General Meeting of the Greek Politics Specialist Group will take place at 12.30–13.30 on Monday, 15th AprilVenue N24, Newton / Arkwright Building. All new and longer-standing members of the group are very welcome invited to attend.
– A meeting between the Greek, Turkish and Italian Specialist Groups will take place on Wednesday 17th April, 2019, at 09.30Venue TBC soon.
Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni, our Treasurer & Membership Officer, is looking forward to welcoming you in Nottingham!

2. Application Deadline Extended – Research Methods Seminar: Τhe Centre for Political Research of Panteion University in collaboration with the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) are co-organizing a two-day intensive seminar delving into theory, methods and techniques of experimental research in Social Sciences. The seminar titled ‘Using Experiments in Social Sciences’ will take place at the venue of the Centre for Political Research at Panteion University on 16-17 May 2019. The working language will be Greek and English. The seminar will accommodate about 15 participants.
Applicants should email a short Curriculum Vitae (max two pages) and a short cover letter (max one page), in which they explain how their participation in the seminar benefits their research, to Vassiliki Georgiadou and Stella Ladi, by 19 April 2019.

The full seminar programme will be made available shortly. For more information about the seminar and confirmed seminar speakers, please click here.


1. International Conference in Corinth: The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Governance (JMCE Gov) is organising an international conference at the University of Peloponnese in its premises in Corinth (Department of Politics and International Relations). The title of the conference is “The Impact of EU Structural Funds on Greece (1981-2019): Successes, Failures, Lessons learned and Comparisons with other EU members” and will take place on 30-31 August 2019.
Abstracts of about 250 words with the name, title and affiliation of the author(s) should be submitted to the conference administrative coordinator, Ms. Eleni Georgoulia ([email protected]), by 15 May 2019. The Conference organisers expect to publish one edited volume from selected papers presented at the Conference.
For further information about the conference’s organising committee and key themes, please click here.


1. Conference Section at the ECPR General Conference 2019: The ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics is pleased to announce that its Section on ‘Southern Europe: A Post-Crisis Zone?’ for the ECPR General Conference in Wroclaw, 4-7 September 2019, has now been approved by the Academic Convenors. The Section includes 7 panels on a range of topics: protest and representation, political attitudes, systemic change, polarised politics, Turkish elections, policy in post-crisis Greece and the 2019 Euroelections.
You can download the full programme of the section by clicking here.

2. Conference at Tufts University: The Karamanlis Chair on Hellenic and European Studies at the Fletcher School of Tufts University and the Hellenic Observatory at the London School of Economics are organising a conference on ‘Greece and the Euro: From Crisis to Recovery’, at Tufts University, on 12 April, 2019. The conference focuses on the economic, political and institutional prerequisites for a sustained recovery of the Greek economy following the conclusion of the current program. It brings together a number of leading academics to consider these matters from a variety of perspectives, economic, political, international and cultural.
For further information about the conference, please click here.


1. HBA Postdoctoral Fellowship on Contemporary Greek and Cypriot Studies: The Hellenic Observatory (part of the European Institute) is inviting candidates to submit their extended Research Proposals on Contemporary Greek and Cypriot Studies. The purpose of the 12-month fellowship is to enable a Postdoctoral Researcher to propose and carry out a project of relevance to Greece and/or Cyprus, in particular in the area of political economy. Preference may be given to those focusing on the Greek and/or Cypriot banking sectors. The fellowship is funded by the Hellenic Bank Association of Greece.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Sunday 17th May (23.59 UK time).
For further information about the post and application procedure, please click here.


1. Ladi, S., and Tsagkroni, V. (2019) Analysing Crisis Parliamentary Discourse in Greece: Whom Should We Blame?JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12873.
2. Gerodimos, R. (2018), “Humiliation, Shame and Violence: Honor, Trauma and Political Extremism Before and After the 2009 Crisis in Greece”International Forum of Psychoanalysis, DOI: 10.1080/0803706X.2018.1523558

3. Skleparis, D. (2018) ‘‘A Europe without Walls, without Fences, without Borders’: A Desecuritisation of Migration Doomed to Fail’Political Studies, 66(4), pp. 985–1001. DOI: 10.1177/0032321717729631.

If you would like to share any news, advertise events or calls for papers, please contact Dr. Dimitris Skleparis.

Kind Regards,
Dimitris, on behalf of the GPSG Executive Committee.