06 June 2018 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and publications: GPSG NEWS Symposium at the Scottish Parliament: The Greek and German Politics Specialist Groups are co-organising a symposium...
25 March 2018 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events, call for papers, and publications: GPSG NEWS PSA Annual International Conference: The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to announce its...
15 February 2018 Dear Colleagues, The Greek Politics Specialist Group is pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming call for papers, call for speakers, job opportunities and publications: GPSG NEWS Funding Competition: In January 2018, GPSG was successful in...
17 January 2018 Dear Colleagues, We wish you a very happy, successful and rewarding 2018! The Greek Politics Specialist Group is also pleased to share the following news and details about forthcoming events and Calls for Papers: GPSG NEWS Grant Capture: In December 2017, GPSG was awarded a...
25 May 2014 Dear Colleagues, A quick reminder of our urgent call for short commentary pieces on the local and European Parliament elections in Greece. The pieces should be between 200-500 words, in English and sent to me by midnight on...
13 May 2014 Dear Colleagues, Following the success of our first two election commentary pamphlets two years ago, the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) will be publishing another collection of short comment pieces immediately after this and next week's local (municipal...
14 March 2014 Dear Colleagues, The following calls and notices may be of interest: South European Society and Politics, Volume 18, Issue 4 FULL ISSUE AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD For a limited time only! Special Issue: Protest Elections and Challenger Parties:...
03 March 2014 Dear Colleagues, Three items for this week's Newsflash: - we are delighted to launch our Workshop on Political Violence, Terrorism & Extremism that will take place in central London on Friday, June 20th. The event is made possible with...
29 December 2013 Dear Friends and Members of the Greek Politics Specialist Group, Before wishing you all a happy new year, I'm delighted to be sharing a Call for Papers for our international conference on the impact of EU structural funds...

